Have a BALL with'Maximum Boost Circuit Workout #1 Consult with a qualified health professional before beginning any programs This circuit is designed to introduce: Diaphragmatic/natural breathing to increase oxygen consumption during exercise, Postural Alignment-bring about body awareness from the crown of your skull to the sole of your feet, Stabilization:Focus on muscles that assist in the performance of an exercise by steadying the joint or limb being moved, but not increasing the force being applied.
Neuromuscular activation- Stimulate muscular hypertrophy and increase neural drive to the muscle fibers.
These exercises assists in reprogramming the brain -nerves-muscle connection- in activating muscles automatically.
Self-efficacy: Direct understanding of the benefits from correct strength and conditioning training progression.
Deepening our motivation, improves confidence and accept lifestyle change.
Most importantly safely bring challenge and enjoyment back to your workout! Correct breathing begins with using the predominant muscle for this function- the diaphragm (below our rib cage).
By inhaling deeply and consciously expanding our lower abdomen,..
we can relearn how to breathe naturally.
Our diaphragm and deep abdominal transverse muscle will gradually release the tension from our upper extremities and bring about better posture plus increase the consumption of rich oxygen through our cardiorespiratory system.
Breathe through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
Next, perform each exercise slowly and controlled.
Be mindful of correct form, start from the feet on upwards.
Check alignment with all joints- let gravity bring your elbows down and release the tension in your shoulders.
Reminder about 'Neutral Spine': The spine has two natural curves: one at the neck, and another at the low back.
If you lie on your back with both knees bent and feet flat on the surface you are lying on, you should have a small space about two fingers width between your back and the surface.
Maximum Boost Circuit Workout #1Targets the Following- Stabilization of joints: Spine, Clavicle & Scapulae, Shoulders, Elbows, Wrists, Hips, Knees, Ankles.
Muscular conditioning and strengthening of deep core, stabilizer, and major muscles- Upper body- Neck (Sternocleidomastoid),Shoulders (Anterior Lateral Posterior) Chest (Pectoralis Major, Pectarolis Minor ,Serratus Anterior), Back (Latissimus Dorsi & Teres Major Trapezius Upper Middle Lower, Rhomboids) Biceps (Biceps Brachii Brachialis), Triceps (Triceps Brachii) Deep Core Muscles- Diaphragm, Transverse Abdominus, Internal Obliques, Quadratus Lumborum , Erector Spineas Hips,Hamstrings,Thighs (Iliopsoas, Rectus Femoris, Tensor Fasciae Latae, Pectineus, Adductors and Abductors, Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus, Quadriceps) Calves (Gastrocnemius,Soleus, Tibialis Anterior) For detailed step by step instructions please email me at juliosalado@hotmail.
com Intensity- beginner to intermediate Frequency: 3x weeks Duration: 20-25 Minutes 5 minutes -Warmup and Cool Down (Dynamic/Stretches/SMR foam roller) Warm up is any activity that increases your heart rate: Duration 3-5 minutes Types: Dynamic Warm-ups, Cardio Equipment (treadmill), speed walking to your session Stretches: Pre/Post workout- Hold for 10-30 seconds Lower back, Torso twist, hamstrings, quadriceps, adductors and abductors.
chest, shoulders.
Equipment: SB=Stability ball, MB= Medicine Ball, DB= Dumbbells Add instability and more resistance to increase intensity: 1a) SB-Squats with MB chest press (when legs are parallel to ground press) Set 3 Repititions8-12 1a) Lateral Squat with MB chest press ( chest press when leg is parallel to ground) Sets 3 Repititions 6-10 each side 2a) Forward Lunge and Twist with MB.
(exhale on twist) Sets 3 Reps 6-10 each side 3a) SB-Pronated DB Rows& Alternate (palms face in) Sets 3 Repititions 8-12 Progression--5x Double Rows 3x Alternates 4x Double Rows 4a) SB- DB Press-Alternate Press- Progression 5 xDouble Press 3x Alternates 4x Double Press& Walk Out to Decline Push-ups-Progressions 8x thighs, 6x shins,8x toes.
Rest 30-60 seconds between circuits 1b) SB- Abdominal Crunch Sets 3 Repetitions 15-25 1b) SB-Russian Twist with MB Walk yourself out until ankles underneath knees -hips/legs parallel with floor-(table top)-Place (2kg) MB in your palms together, extend straight out from chest- keep at chest height.
Rotate your shoulders to the right side.
Your hips should stay rigid and your palms should move a complete 90 degrees.
Inhale in center / exhale as while twisting.
Sets 3 Repetitions 8-12 each side 2b) SB Bridge Ups- Knee flexion + hip extensions.
Sets 3 Repetitions 10-15 3b) SB-Ball Lifts (hold SB btw ankles)- (hold MB with hands- touch both balls above waist and bring down to 1 inch from floor) Inhale at start position, exhale while lifting till balls are above waist - tap and bring back down.
Sets 3 Repetitions 8-12 3b) Arnold's Curl & Press Split Squat.
Sets 3 Repetitions 6-8each side This is intended to compliment your current training program, can also be a plateau buster or can be a excellent start to a new training program.
Developing proper and balanced exercise progression habits in the early stages will lead to long term results.
Lastly, nutrition in combination with a strength and conditioning program is the most effective way to turn your body into a fat burning machine.
It is the most productive form of exercise for functional daily life activities and overall health.
Neuromuscular activation- Stimulate muscular hypertrophy and increase neural drive to the muscle fibers.
These exercises assists in reprogramming the brain -nerves-muscle connection- in activating muscles automatically.
Self-efficacy: Direct understanding of the benefits from correct strength and conditioning training progression.
Deepening our motivation, improves confidence and accept lifestyle change.
Most importantly safely bring challenge and enjoyment back to your workout! Correct breathing begins with using the predominant muscle for this function- the diaphragm (below our rib cage).
By inhaling deeply and consciously expanding our lower abdomen,..
we can relearn how to breathe naturally.
Our diaphragm and deep abdominal transverse muscle will gradually release the tension from our upper extremities and bring about better posture plus increase the consumption of rich oxygen through our cardiorespiratory system.
Breathe through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
Next, perform each exercise slowly and controlled.
Be mindful of correct form, start from the feet on upwards.
Check alignment with all joints- let gravity bring your elbows down and release the tension in your shoulders.
Reminder about 'Neutral Spine': The spine has two natural curves: one at the neck, and another at the low back.
If you lie on your back with both knees bent and feet flat on the surface you are lying on, you should have a small space about two fingers width between your back and the surface.
Maximum Boost Circuit Workout #1Targets the Following- Stabilization of joints: Spine, Clavicle & Scapulae, Shoulders, Elbows, Wrists, Hips, Knees, Ankles.
Muscular conditioning and strengthening of deep core, stabilizer, and major muscles- Upper body- Neck (Sternocleidomastoid),Shoulders (Anterior Lateral Posterior) Chest (Pectoralis Major, Pectarolis Minor ,Serratus Anterior), Back (Latissimus Dorsi & Teres Major Trapezius Upper Middle Lower, Rhomboids) Biceps (Biceps Brachii Brachialis), Triceps (Triceps Brachii) Deep Core Muscles- Diaphragm, Transverse Abdominus, Internal Obliques, Quadratus Lumborum , Erector Spineas Hips,Hamstrings,Thighs (Iliopsoas, Rectus Femoris, Tensor Fasciae Latae, Pectineus, Adductors and Abductors, Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus, Quadriceps) Calves (Gastrocnemius,Soleus, Tibialis Anterior) For detailed step by step instructions please email me at juliosalado@hotmail.
com Intensity- beginner to intermediate Frequency: 3x weeks Duration: 20-25 Minutes 5 minutes -Warmup and Cool Down (Dynamic/Stretches/SMR foam roller) Warm up is any activity that increases your heart rate: Duration 3-5 minutes Types: Dynamic Warm-ups, Cardio Equipment (treadmill), speed walking to your session Stretches: Pre/Post workout- Hold for 10-30 seconds Lower back, Torso twist, hamstrings, quadriceps, adductors and abductors.
chest, shoulders.
Equipment: SB=Stability ball, MB= Medicine Ball, DB= Dumbbells Add instability and more resistance to increase intensity: 1a) SB-Squats with MB chest press (when legs are parallel to ground press) Set 3 Repititions8-12 1a) Lateral Squat with MB chest press ( chest press when leg is parallel to ground) Sets 3 Repititions 6-10 each side 2a) Forward Lunge and Twist with MB.
(exhale on twist) Sets 3 Reps 6-10 each side 3a) SB-Pronated DB Rows& Alternate (palms face in) Sets 3 Repititions 8-12 Progression--5x Double Rows 3x Alternates 4x Double Rows 4a) SB- DB Press-Alternate Press- Progression 5 xDouble Press 3x Alternates 4x Double Press& Walk Out to Decline Push-ups-Progressions 8x thighs, 6x shins,8x toes.
Rest 30-60 seconds between circuits 1b) SB- Abdominal Crunch Sets 3 Repetitions 15-25 1b) SB-Russian Twist with MB Walk yourself out until ankles underneath knees -hips/legs parallel with floor-(table top)-Place (2kg) MB in your palms together, extend straight out from chest- keep at chest height.
Rotate your shoulders to the right side.
Your hips should stay rigid and your palms should move a complete 90 degrees.
Inhale in center / exhale as while twisting.
Sets 3 Repetitions 8-12 each side 2b) SB Bridge Ups- Knee flexion + hip extensions.
Sets 3 Repetitions 10-15 3b) SB-Ball Lifts (hold SB btw ankles)- (hold MB with hands- touch both balls above waist and bring down to 1 inch from floor) Inhale at start position, exhale while lifting till balls are above waist - tap and bring back down.
Sets 3 Repetitions 8-12 3b) Arnold's Curl & Press Split Squat.
Sets 3 Repetitions 6-8each side This is intended to compliment your current training program, can also be a plateau buster or can be a excellent start to a new training program.
Developing proper and balanced exercise progression habits in the early stages will lead to long term results.
Lastly, nutrition in combination with a strength and conditioning program is the most effective way to turn your body into a fat burning machine.
It is the most productive form of exercise for functional daily life activities and overall health.