Health & Medical Lose Weight

How Can You Lose Weight Without Exercise?

Losing weight in 30 days may be really tough to achieve. But losing weight in 30 days without exercise can tougher. We know that physical fitness is a very important thing in this contemporary world. Now a days people are so busy with their daily schedule that they hardly have time to do exercises to keep themselves fit. Because of these things people become unhealthy and in turn become obese.
Here I am giving you 10 tips to reduce your weight without doing any exercise or controlling your food intake.
1. 10 glasses of water:
Drink plenty of water every day. You should drink at least 10 glasses of water in a day. Drinking more water will reduce the risk of getting a heart attack and other diseases. A high fiber intake along with drinking lots water can really help in losing weight.

2. Warm water with honey:
Every morning after waking up, drink a glass of warm water along with a tablespoon of honey. This will play a very important role in losing weight naturally.

3. Warm water squeezed with lemon:
Have a glass of warm water squeezed with a lemon an hour after lunch. It will cleanse your colon and also helps in absorbing fat producing ingredients in your food intake thereby helping you in losing weight.

4. A glass of water before lunch:
It is good to have a glass of water 30 minutes before lunch. It will reduce your hunger as it keeps your stomach full, further helping you to lose weight.

5. Food consumption level:
Try to reduce the consumption level of food. This can also play a significant role in losing weight. Food consumption should be in the percentage of 35-40% at breakfast, 30-35% at lunch and 25-30% at dinner.

6. Dinner time:
Dinner should be had at least 2 hours before sleep, to make the process of digestion smooth.

7. Sleep hours:
Every person should sleep for at least 8 hours at night for the proper functioning of the body. Irregular sleep can lead to obesity and other health issues.

8. Fruits and Vegetables:
Fruits and vegetables which are rich in Vitamin C can really help in burning fat. Oranges, apples, cucumber, broccoli, melons are the major agents which help in reducing weight.

9. Meditations:
Medication is very much essential to relieve your mind of stress, anger, depression and other conditions of the mind which are the real hidden causes of obesity. So practice meditation every day in the morning to make your mind and body calm. This will reduce the blood pressure and will make the hormone secretion to a normal level.
10. Alcohol Consumption:
Alcohol contains high calories and it can disrupt the body's metabolism.Alcohol consumption will also increase your food intake thereby leading to obesity.
Follow these 10 tips over a week and see the changes happening to your body. Also there are a lot of products available in the market which can make you slim within a week or so, but try to go for natural methods of losing weight as they are safe and will help you to be healthy in the long run.
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