Home & Garden Home Appliances

What is Better - LCD or Plasma TV?

Which flavor of ice cream do you like better: chocolate or vanilla? The flavors are essentially the same but they're also worlds apart when you compare the two part by part, aspect by aspect.
And that's what you're facing as well when you're shopping for a new TV.
LCD or plasma TV? It's a question that's sure to set your head spinning if you don't possess the right information.
What Makes LCD and Plasma TV Sets Alike Before we get on with the various differences between LCD and plasma TV sets, let's first take a look at the things they have in common.
To begin with, LCD and plasma TV sets are absolutely a better choice over CRT (cathode ray tube) TV sets.
There are various reasons as to why both these new technologies are superior over the one that we had to make do with for generations.
Firstly, LCD and plasma TV sets make use of flat screens whereas CRT TV sets make use of rounded screens.
If you compare your viewing experience between the two, you'll realize that you enjoy and see more with a flat screen.
Secondly, CRT TV sets are a danger to your health because it emits radiation while LCD and plasma TV sets don't.
LCD and plasma TV sets can also display both standard and high-definition TV formatting.
Whether you're watching a program that uses normal or advanced formatting, you're sure to enjoy them both with either a LCD or plasma TV set.
Prices are falling for both LCD and plasma TV sets.
Although they don't cost like peanuts, they are certainly much more affordable now so buying either one won't be a pain to your pockets as much as they could have been if you had bought one in the past.
And there ends the similarities between the two.
Now, it's time to differentiate LCD and plasma TV sets from each other.
The Battle between LCD and Plasma TV Sets Most of the differences arising from LCD and plasma TV sets are due to the different process each employs in producing high quality images in its screens.
LCD TV sets make use of two liquid crystal panels that react to and against each other to display the appropriate images.
Plasma TV sets, on the other hand, make use of a gaseous substance called plasma and which are contained in bubble-like cells of glass.
Each glass contains RGB (red, green, and blue) phosphors.
When electricity flows into these cells, the colors react accordingly to produce the appropriate images.
Brightness - If you're looking for a TV set that can handle the brightest images, an LCD TV set may be more suitable than a plasma TV set.
Brightness is often a concern for aging people as their eyes can only discern images accurately if they're displayed in a brighter setting than usual.
Size - For near-sighted people, a larger TV set is better because it allows them to see images more clearly as everything is magnified by the screen.
With regard to sizes, plasma TV sets can offer you more large scale options than LCD TV sets ever could.
Generally speaking, plasma TV sets are built to be BIG while LCD TV sets are built to be compact.
Energy Conservation - Because of how LCD TV sets work, they will enable you to save more on electricity costs than plasma TV sets.
But the difference between both energy costs is minimal so this must not be considered as a primary factor in the decision-making process.
Contrast Settings - How black is black, and how white is white? That's the question you're asking when talking about contrast.
In a black-and-white movie, contrast is everything.
Plasma TV sets will offer you better contrast than LCD screens.
The margin between LCD and plasma TV sets is huge, so LCD TV sets are definitely second-best in this category.
Burn-In Images - Plasma burning is a somewhat common occurrence while burning is unheard of in LCD TV sets.
But since manufacturers are continually come up with better and more effective ways to solve this problem, this shouldn't be a primary factor in the selection process as well.
Ultimately, the choice is up to you.
As cost is not a factor between the two, you'll have to mostly depend on your opinion.
Just as there's no right answer between chocolate and vanilla, there's no right answer as well for determining which is better between LCD and plasma TV.
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