- 1). Connect the water source to the cold water or input side of the on demand water heater. A solder connection between the copper water pipe and the tankless water heater is common although 1/2 inch compression fittings are also used. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for connecting the water input to the heater.
- 2). Connect the output side of the water heater to the hot water system in the home. In some applications multiple on demand water heaters will be used in the home some of which may serve single units such as a cloth washing machine or dishwasher. Connect the water heater to the household pipes according to manufacturer’s instructions.
- 3). Connect the electrical service to the water heater. The electrical requirements will vary depending on the size of the water heater. Most all units use 240 volt electrical service with various amperages. Large whole house units, with 4 or more gallons per minute of hot water, may require a 120 amp service. No matter what the amperage requirements the on demand water heater should be on a separate circuit.