Health & Medical Anti Aging

Advice From a 103 Year Old Woman With the Body of a 60 Year Old

Talk to my mother if you are searching for anti-aging tips.
Her face is wrinkle free and so is her tummy although she is 103 years old.
She has a daily routine of applying day cream every morning and night cream every night.
She has always been an outdoor person and bought herself an exercise bike when she was in her eighties.
Her next door neighbour told me that when she was in her seventies she used to skip every morning in her back garden.
At 100 years old she used to walk up and down her garden eight times every day and took 200 deep breaths each morning and evening.
She says that she has never eaten rubbish food and this is what has stood by her.
When she was 101 years old the doctor in the hospital where she went for a check up was amazed to hear that she was on no medication of any sort.
She believes in eating in moderation and she is a cordon bleu cook who enjoys lashings of butter and a dash of cream on most of her meals.
She believes that this helps to keep her skin supple and wrinkle free.
For breakfast every morning she had cornflakes with milk and fruit as well as her usual dash of fresh cream.
She drank mainly cranberry juice and an occasional cup of extremely weak milky tea.
She was also fond of a glass of sherry, port or champagne.
Although she was living alone for the last 10 years she never neglected to cook healthy meals for herself.
She ate mainly salads, fish,fruit, a great variety of vegetables, creamed potatoes and sometimes fried lamb chops or sausages.
She included oily fish, avocados, asparagus, blueberries and the food that we now call superfoods.
She continued to cook for herself until the age of 101.
She has been living alone up until last month and would still be doing so if she had not had a fall on Christmas Eve which knocked her confidence.
However she still does her exercises in bed impressing her physiotherapist and everyone else who has met her.
At the age of 103 years she feels quite comfortable telling people what she thinks and sent me a Christmas card with best wishes and a message included "Don't forget to lose the fat.
" She doesn't like men with pot bellies and has no hesitation in telling anyone she considers overweight that if they don't pay attention to their food intake they will die young.
Lately her eyesight has been failing but up until last year she was reading Hello magazine and OK magazine and watching 'Deal or no Deal' on TV.
She likes to keep up with the latest trends and recently sent one of her carers to buy her a glittery Rolling Stones tee-shirt.
To sum it up she believes in healthy eating, keeping fit, being in the company of younger people and keeping her mind active.
She has never lost her sense of adventure she got married at 91 years and went on a holiday to Austria on her own when she was 93 years old.
She was discussing her idea of going from Ireland to Bulgaria by car next summer because she would not be able to get insurance for the flight.
"Enjoy your life" is something that she has told me to do repeatedly and she has certainly enjoyed her life up now.
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