Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

12 Hot Places and Ways to Meet 30-Plus Cool Singles (Bars Not Included)

Many single men and women think that going up to a complete stranger and risk rejection takes guts, I think what it takes is the right mindset and a little strategy.
What do you have to lose? At least you won't spend the next six weeks dreaming about a total stranger who doesn't even know you exist.
I say, do it afraid anyway.
For a little wind under your wings, here are some unusual hot singles spots; places you may have never thought of as fertile "hunting" ground.
Remember all it takes is the right mindset and a little strategy.
Friend-of-a Friend This is how most people meet the love of their lives.
This is not just a casual thing on the phone asking your friend if he or she knows anyone, anybody interested.
Do a little homework of your own, then ask any of your friends if they know so-and-so or know someone who knows someone who knows so-and-so.
Okay, may be the man or woman of your dreams will figure out that it was not a chance meeting, but so what? If they are not flattered, they are not interested.
It works out just as well for you.
Fundraisers and Benefit Concerts Licensed to thrill the compassionate and humanitarian.
I am talking about those with plenty of yy and yz-chromosome-interaction.
Choose a course that really touches your heart -- and wallet.
You do have to give some love to get some, right? Don't leave before the happy hour after the event, this is when people are more open and eager to exercise their minds and hearts.
Who knows you may just find an extra "benefit" to your love life.
Continuing Education Courses Night courses are especially friendly since most single men and women are not in a hurry to go home and sit there all by themselves.
And after two and some hours of someone talking down to them, they're charmed to find someone who wants to hear what they have to say about the subject/topic.
Please, let that someone be you.
Just make sure you take those classes that interest you so that even if you do not meet anyone interesting, at least you learned something that will help your life or career.
Pet Love Walk your dog, cat, bird, snake or whatever, but don't take Fido, Cruise or Paris for just any walk, bring him or her to the local park or in a busy apartment complex.
Look around, make eye contact, smile, start a conversation about dogs, cats etc.
that should be easy if you are a pet lover.
Weddings and Christening Parties These places have tons of personality since most people are forced to spend at least a few hours in one place out of sheer politeness.
Find an excuse to do something near that hot heartthrob -- change a CD or grab some hors d'oeuvres and start a conversation on food or just go over there and stand.
It doesn't hurt to enlist the help of the host/hostess either.
The goal is to get your foot into the doorway, so to speak.
If she/he seems friendly, close the distance and introduce yourself.
Home Depot and Hardware Stores These chains offer enough hunting potential opportunities to warrant a category of their own.
There is an abundance of available men and women (believe it or not!) roaming the aisles for tools, fixtures, wood-and dates.
These days almost everybody is impressed by a man or woman who can fix their own faucet, decorate their own crib or make their own special piece of furniture.
Creativity is good and all, but me thinks the look of toned muscles got something to do with it.
All that plumbing, nailing, painting, carrying heavy stuff, sounds like a machine with a heart! 7.
Action-Filled Group Excursions You'll be surprised at how many 30+ eligible singles are seeking the safety and camaraderie you can only find in a small group.
If you are a Vegan for example, Google an activity for vegans and vegan-friendly singles.
And if you love hiking, find a hiking excursion near where you live.
And if you can afford it, a long weekend getaway just for the FUN of it isn't such a bad idea.
If you don't meet anyone special, nothing is lost because the activity was rewarding enough.
The Office Not surprising that two-thirds of people meet their partners through work.
The great thing about office hookups is that there are a million ways to chat up a co-worker.
The only thing you have to be careful about is that he or she is not married or dating someone else in the office (especially the boss).
Also avoid the high strung, tight-asd, stressed out type -- you know who.
You don't want to find yourself staring one huge sexual harassment suit in the face just for saying "hi".
The Supermarket Those new wide aisles aren't for easy cart access alone.
You can tell a lot about somebody by what's in their shopping cart.
Disposable diapers and cartons of Kool-Aid says, "MARRIED with children".
Cookies, one small box of cereal, a can of juice and ready-made dinner is definitely single.
Just one word of warning, some couples split while shopping.
Best time to catch the single ones is late, like ten or eleven in the night.
You'll spot them easily.
They look...
The Laundry Mart Live in an apartment with no laundry facilities? No problem.
This may actually be the lucky break you've been praying for.
The laundry mart is a terrific place to check out their underwear without having to take it off them.
Pick one just around the coffee shop to satisfy your caffeine cravings; and while your clothes are whooshing and swishing in the dyers you are trying to ignite a fire of your own.
Keep it to a get-to-know encounter, no decent and right-minded person wants to go home thinking "OMG! it happened in the laundry mart".
Ugh! 11.
Bookstores What better way to send the message "I am a working progress" than to be seen checking out books in the self-improvement section.
Books on better health, healthy home, more spirituality, more respect for the earth and the diversity within etc.
scream "Hello!" to the kind of men or women concerned about these things.
Whatever section you chose to "set up camp, there will be at least one or two people with the same interest.
Go for it! 12.
Airports and Transit Stations True, airports are a hassle these days - bomb detectors, delayed or cancelled flights, poor customer service etc.
But all that hustling and bustling can actually be good for you.
If you have a thing for the rare breed of well-travelled, adventurous, keen to explore, leading-edge thinkers, this is without doubt "the" place to be.
It's even possible to bond over bad service -- time sure does fly when you are having fun! While this article is about unlikely hot spots for meeting single men and women, never forget that your dating success rests largely on you.
This means that you've done the work necessary to have a stable and balanced lifestyle, have a strong sense of self-esteem and confidence, have put closure to unfinished business from the past, and have a clear vision of who you are, what you want, and what you stand for (both as an individual and as a life partner).
This is your foundation for your negotiable and non-negotiable needs and wants as you date.
Happy Hunting! And remember, the kind of "meat you eat" says a lot about the kinds of places you do your hunting.
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