Health & Medical Lose Weight

Your Ideal Weight - 7 Reasons Why You Are Not There Yet

You may have spent a large part of your life on a diet but you are still not the weight you want to be.
Why is it that for the majority of dieters, they spend most of their lives 'on a diet' but very few seem to attain that target of permanently keeping the weight off? What is stopping you making the transition from trying to lose weight to permanently having lost the weight? You don't believe you can get there It is true that many dieters don't really believe that they will lose the weight that they need to.
Sometimes this is because of past experience; they may have tried a number of times and never made it or it may be the first time and just seem like an insurmountable task.
Our beliefs about what will happen are incredibly powerful and affect our behaviour by sending subconscious messages to our mind.
In order to truly give ourselves the best possible chance of attaining our weight loss target we have to believe it is possible.
You don't believe you deserve to get there Gaining weight is not just a physical problem.
Whether it happened as a child or in adulthood weight gain goes hand in hand with self esteem and confidence.
Other people's comments around overweight people can often compound feelings of low self esteem.
There are many negative words used and a very great lack of understanding from people who have never suffered.
Sometimes the low self esteem can come first and weight gain is purely a symptom of the problems the sufferer already has.
Whichever is true it is possible to turn this round, to believe that you do deserve the success and happiness you crave with some simple techniques and positive thinking.
You don't want to make the necessary changes It is true that to lose weight there will have to be changes.
You can not keep doing the same things over and over again and expect the results to be different, it just doesn't happen like that.
However, the thought of change, for most people, is scary.
It involves stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something a little bit scary.
Many people are attached to their eating habits and the foods they use to comfort themselves and to stop eating these seems difficult.
However, if you really want something then you can learn to embrace change and use it as a positive force in your life.
You fear you will lose your identity If you have been overweight for a long time then it probably has become part of your identity.
You may have friends you diet with - that is the connection you share with them.
Your partner or family may tell you they like your 'cuddly' or 'soft' bits and you just may have the belief that your weight and size is just who you are.
This is a really difficult fear to overcome but it is possible.
You can develop an identity based on your new, slimmer and happier you which in the end will only serve to enhance your relationships.
As harsh as it may sound, if they can't accept you for who you are then perhaps you are better off without them.
No-one who cares about you should want to stop you from being happy and wanting to improve yourself.
You keep switching diets It is a symptom of not having achieved your target weight but if you lurch from one diet plan to the next to the next, searching for the holy grail you will never win.
Any diet plan you start must be something you are prepared to do for life or not at all.
A long term sensible and healthy eating plan is what is required and not the next fad diet favoured by A list celebrities.
You no longer know how to eat normally Dieting encourages abnormal eating habits.
Dieters end up in a 'feast or famine' situation.
They start to describe their behaviour around food as bad or good as well as describing foods using these terms too.
If you watch naturally slim people they eat all sorts of foods and never deprive themselves.
They don't binge on what dieters call 'bad' foods because they don't ban it and therefore don't crave it.
Whilst it may sound strange you need to give yourself permission to eat whatever you want.
You keep failing and not learning Not achieving your weight loss goal is failure.
Whilst it may seem harsh, this is the reality.
What you need to know is that people who achieve success have always known failure but they treat it differently from most people.
They evaluate what they can learn from their failure and use it to prevent that happening again.
If your past efforts have not been a success then you need to look at why and make a plan to use what you have learned to move you forward.
Changing the way you look at your lessons can hold the key to moving you forward in your weight loss.
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