The most often allergy symptoms we can observe are sneezing, tearful eyes and running nose.
Sometimes there is cough, too.
Of course there are many drugs to give you relief from allergy symptoms, but sometimes you may need extra help to get rid of them.
Why not give our organism an extra boost in its struggle with allergy? First of all you should add garlic and onion to the list of medicine you take.
Well, they don't smell nice, that's true, but they contain one very important substance, quercitin, which is also a compound used in treatment of allergy.
Fortunately enough, pharmaceutical industry can offer us garlic pills, which include the best parts of garlic without its unpleasant smell.
So you may just ask your pharmacist about them.
Still, adding more garlic and onion to your food can significantly reduce your allergic reactions.
The common non-iodized salt is another natural remedy against running nose and teary eyes.
You can either rinse your nasal passage with a salt solution or gargle your throat with it.
There are many techniques of rinsing the nasal passage, and basically two types of solutions are used: isotonic and hyper-tonic.
The hyper-tonic solution will have a drying effect on the nasal passage.
The best salt to use is the pickling salt because it does not contain additives like anti-caking agents.
For isotonic solution you will need a pint of water (tap water boiled for several minutes to make it really sterile), 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda (attention: baking powder is unacceptable as a substitute for baking soda).
For a hyper-tonic solution you just use twice or three times more salt.
The temperature of the solution should be close to the body temperature.
The market offers a wide variety of devices for rinsing the nasal passage, from the traditional neti pots to electric devices available at the pharmacist's.
Keeping the right air humidity around you, will also reduce the symptoms of allergy.
You can combine this with aromatherapy, using eucalyptus oil.
You should be careful, however and use it in very small quantities first in vaporizer.
Used this way, eucalyptus oil is beneficial in case of frequent sneezing, coughs, hay fever, sinusitis, and respiratory problems which may also be caused by allergy.
Other helpful oils include thyme, lavender, and pine.
You can use them separately, or also in a mixture.
The most important thing to remember, however is to use them in moderate amounts and with moderate frequency.
The three methods of natural relief from allergy symptoms are of course just a tiny part of what you can do in general to make your life with allergy easier.
Once you start using them, feel free to explore further on to find foods and substances that help minimizing the effects of allergy.
Sometimes there is cough, too.
Of course there are many drugs to give you relief from allergy symptoms, but sometimes you may need extra help to get rid of them.
Why not give our organism an extra boost in its struggle with allergy? First of all you should add garlic and onion to the list of medicine you take.
Well, they don't smell nice, that's true, but they contain one very important substance, quercitin, which is also a compound used in treatment of allergy.
Fortunately enough, pharmaceutical industry can offer us garlic pills, which include the best parts of garlic without its unpleasant smell.
So you may just ask your pharmacist about them.
Still, adding more garlic and onion to your food can significantly reduce your allergic reactions.
The common non-iodized salt is another natural remedy against running nose and teary eyes.
You can either rinse your nasal passage with a salt solution or gargle your throat with it.
There are many techniques of rinsing the nasal passage, and basically two types of solutions are used: isotonic and hyper-tonic.
The hyper-tonic solution will have a drying effect on the nasal passage.
The best salt to use is the pickling salt because it does not contain additives like anti-caking agents.
For isotonic solution you will need a pint of water (tap water boiled for several minutes to make it really sterile), 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda (attention: baking powder is unacceptable as a substitute for baking soda).
For a hyper-tonic solution you just use twice or three times more salt.
The temperature of the solution should be close to the body temperature.
The market offers a wide variety of devices for rinsing the nasal passage, from the traditional neti pots to electric devices available at the pharmacist's.
Keeping the right air humidity around you, will also reduce the symptoms of allergy.
You can combine this with aromatherapy, using eucalyptus oil.
You should be careful, however and use it in very small quantities first in vaporizer.
Used this way, eucalyptus oil is beneficial in case of frequent sneezing, coughs, hay fever, sinusitis, and respiratory problems which may also be caused by allergy.
Other helpful oils include thyme, lavender, and pine.
You can use them separately, or also in a mixture.
The most important thing to remember, however is to use them in moderate amounts and with moderate frequency.
The three methods of natural relief from allergy symptoms are of course just a tiny part of what you can do in general to make your life with allergy easier.
Once you start using them, feel free to explore further on to find foods and substances that help minimizing the effects of allergy.