One of the most common problems during sex is the inability for many men to last long enough so that their female partner experiences orgasm.
This is such a common problem that many women actually accept it, rather than help with solving it.
But ultimately it is up to the male to take action and learn how to last longer.
There are ways to permanently solve this problem and never have to worry about premature ejaculations again.
Here's how: 1.
Practice lasting longer.
You need to get your body used to lasting longer, and the feeling of not becoming excited too quickly.
You can do this through practice on your own or with a partner.
Simply reach the point of near climax and then stop all activity and "recover" for a few moments before starting again.
What this does is gets the body used to the feeling of lasting longer.
You are essentially training yourself to not get excited too quickly.
Do exercises to last longer.
You can perform exercises which will strengthen a certain muscle which is responsible for ejaculatory control.
This muscle is the same one responsible for halting urination mid stream, which will make it easy to identify.
Once you've identified, simply perform "flexes" with this muscle, contracting in and out for as many repetitions as you can.
Then pause and repeat again.
You will realize within a few days that the number of repetitions that you are able to do is increasing, meaning you are successfully strengthening the muscle responsible for lasting longer.
Follow a last longer program.
This is the fastest and easiest way towards lasting longer since all you have to do is get a program and follow the exercises outlined which are designed to give quick and effective results.
Having a program laid out in front of you with exact explanations of how to perform the exercises, is an excellent way to quickly conquer premature ejaculation and transform yourself into a stronger, longer lasting lover.
This is such a common problem that many women actually accept it, rather than help with solving it.
But ultimately it is up to the male to take action and learn how to last longer.
There are ways to permanently solve this problem and never have to worry about premature ejaculations again.
Here's how: 1.
Practice lasting longer.
You need to get your body used to lasting longer, and the feeling of not becoming excited too quickly.
You can do this through practice on your own or with a partner.
Simply reach the point of near climax and then stop all activity and "recover" for a few moments before starting again.
What this does is gets the body used to the feeling of lasting longer.
You are essentially training yourself to not get excited too quickly.
Do exercises to last longer.
You can perform exercises which will strengthen a certain muscle which is responsible for ejaculatory control.
This muscle is the same one responsible for halting urination mid stream, which will make it easy to identify.
Once you've identified, simply perform "flexes" with this muscle, contracting in and out for as many repetitions as you can.
Then pause and repeat again.
You will realize within a few days that the number of repetitions that you are able to do is increasing, meaning you are successfully strengthening the muscle responsible for lasting longer.
Follow a last longer program.
This is the fastest and easiest way towards lasting longer since all you have to do is get a program and follow the exercises outlined which are designed to give quick and effective results.
Having a program laid out in front of you with exact explanations of how to perform the exercises, is an excellent way to quickly conquer premature ejaculation and transform yourself into a stronger, longer lasting lover.