Health & Medical Anti Aging

Will Injecting Your Face at Home Save Thousands of Dollars?

Will the desire to look younger ever wane? Have those snake oil salesmen finally won? In the latest do-it-yourself craze, a new at home facial injection kit has surfaced in Europe and even recently on eBay selling Botox concoctions.
Oh dear.
Desperation comes in many forms.
It wasn't too long ago that a woman in the Bronx hoped to improve her thigh contour by allowing her friend to inject her with silicone.
Soon after the injection, Siordaliza Pichardo, died.
She complained of dizziness, difficulty breathing and vomiting before she succumbed to cardiac arrest.
In the name of beauty women continue to experience mutilation, disappointment and even death when they hope to change their aging appearance using modalities that harm and disfigure.
Oh sure, you might survive the initial go-round of surgery and injections; however, surgery is dangerous business under the best of circumstances.
Injections, too, can wreak havoc on a once beautiful face if you choose a facilitator who is poorly trained or you trust do-it-at-home kits that promise to plump and paralyze in hopes you will look years younger.
Dying to look beautiful takes on new meaning when you learn how many people are harmed with scars, anesthesia mishaps, infections, nerve damage, disappointments and lingering medical conditions that may not always resolve themselves over time.
When most women look in the mirror, they express dissatisfaction with how their faces are aging.
When a non-scientific poll was used by ABC's "The View" asking if their viewers would rather save their face or their butt, the audience overwhelmingly stated that they would rather save their faces.
Not too surprising considering that we can disguise our bodies with body armor, slimming black clothes and trendy layers.
When you want to disguise your face, what exactly are you trying to hide? Most aging in the face appears as sagging facial features.
Sagging necks, droopy cheeks, hooded eyes are impossible to camouflage.
Sure we can conceal certain sun damage and spots, uneven pigmentation, even wrinkles can be covered with gels, potions and spackles so that they're less apparent under makeup but the real look of aging occurs when cheeks sag, eyes droop and that double chin threatens to become a triple.
The choices to correct aging features are mostly unnatural - what is available for you? Surgery, injections, liposuction, electro-stimulation, laser? All expensive, temporary and unreliable modalities with no guarantees that the results you get will be results you like.
There is a very smart choice that works for everyone's aging face; it can be used at home, there is nothing invasive about it, it certainly isn't dangerous nor does it deplete your bank account on a regular basis.
The secret to a youthful face comes from the Fountain of Youth - Facial exercise! After all, the nips 'n tucks, the injections, laser treatments and more, there is nothing more reliable than exercise to give your face that look of youth you desire.
Just like exercise works to tone and tighten the muscles in your buttocks and thighs, our facial muscles are no different.
They, too, soften from lack of exercise.
When your forehead muscle atrophies your eyebrows drop and eyelids become lined.
The same is true of your cheeks, jowls and neck.
Isometric, resistance exercises target and strengthen the underlying muscles of your face.
It just makes sense.
By firming and lifting these muscles, the youthful contours of your face return, so skin looks younger, healthier and fresher.
Yes, you can look years younger without painful and costly invasive procedures.
Facial exercise is a natural method that corrects droopy facial features quickly and easily and the movements can be quickly executed to promote a younger, more vibrant facial appearance in just weeks.
Reliable, easy and noticeable results are just a few adjectives that describe an at-home treatment that indeed works to help you discover the youthful face you thought you had lost forever.
What do you have to lose? Just saggy facial features that make you look old and tired.
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