- 1). Determine the IP address for your wireless router by referring to your router's user manual. Some of the popular wireless routers are D-Link, Netgear and Linksys. If you are using a D-Link or Netgear device, your router IP address is If you are using a Linksys, the router IP address is
- 2). Launch your Internet browser.
- 3). Type the IP address for your wireless router into the address bar of your Internet browser. Press "Enter" on your keyboard.
- 4). Enter the username and password for your wireless router to access the router's configuration interface. If you have never changed the username/password for your router, you can use the default username and password that is in your router's user manual. The default username/password for a few routers are listed below.
D-Link: Username = "admin" Password is blank.
Netgear: Username ="admin" Password ="password"
Linksys: Username = "admin" Password ="admin" - 5). Click on the "Wireless Settings" or "Wireless Options" tab once you are logged into the configuration panel of your wireless router. The exact wording will vary.
- 6). Locate the "WEP," "WPA" or "Password" field.
- 7). Enter the new password you would like to use for your wireless router. The more complex the password, the harder it will be to figure it out. For example, instead of using only letters, you can use a combination of letters and numbers.
- 8). Click the "Save" option to save your new Wi-Fi password. It may also be necessary to click the "Apply" button to apply your new settings.