In my role as host of Wonderful Web Women, I was fortunate enough to interview Heidi Nabert about podcasting and Web 2.
This opened up huge possibilities for many of our listeners (including me).
Today I will share with you 10 ways Heidi has identified to make money from podcasting, as well as tell you what podcasting is.
What Is A Podcast? If you have an MP3 player, such as an ipod, you can go to places like iTunes and download music to your iPod.
You can also subscribe to a "feed" which means every time you open up your computer, iTunes will automatically download the latest audio in the series you have subscribed to.
You can then listen to it on your MP3, computer or even burn to CD.
A podcast uses the same system (an RSS feed) and you can download interviews etc that you have created.
In fact, people can download your podcast through iTunes.
It's not just for music.
45, 100, 38 These are numbers to pay attention to.
45% of email doesn't get through 100% of podcasts get through 38% of people are auditory learners, so they like listening instead of reading 10 Ways To Make Money From Podcasts 1.
Create an online presence.
People get to know you, like you and trust you.
Only then will they buy.
Establish expert status in your niche - people will place high value on what you sell.
Create a PowerPoint presentation to go with your audio.
You can then post your audio to YouTube and drive heaps of traffic to your site.
Create an audio e-book from your podcast recordings.
Transcribe the audio to create ebooks, auto-responders and articles.
Advertisers and sponsors pay you to be placed in your podcast.
Credibility - people will then pay high prices for workshops you run.
Lead generation.
The client is already pre-closed/sold.
For example Heidi generates interested leads for her off-line business.
Early movers will win against web sites in the same niche.
Branded courses based on your podcasts.
Allthese ideas you can use and they don't even include paying to listen to your podcast!
This opened up huge possibilities for many of our listeners (including me).
Today I will share with you 10 ways Heidi has identified to make money from podcasting, as well as tell you what podcasting is.
What Is A Podcast? If you have an MP3 player, such as an ipod, you can go to places like iTunes and download music to your iPod.
You can also subscribe to a "feed" which means every time you open up your computer, iTunes will automatically download the latest audio in the series you have subscribed to.
You can then listen to it on your MP3, computer or even burn to CD.
A podcast uses the same system (an RSS feed) and you can download interviews etc that you have created.
In fact, people can download your podcast through iTunes.
It's not just for music.
45, 100, 38 These are numbers to pay attention to.
45% of email doesn't get through 100% of podcasts get through 38% of people are auditory learners, so they like listening instead of reading 10 Ways To Make Money From Podcasts 1.
Create an online presence.
People get to know you, like you and trust you.
Only then will they buy.
Establish expert status in your niche - people will place high value on what you sell.
Create a PowerPoint presentation to go with your audio.
You can then post your audio to YouTube and drive heaps of traffic to your site.
Create an audio e-book from your podcast recordings.
Transcribe the audio to create ebooks, auto-responders and articles.
Advertisers and sponsors pay you to be placed in your podcast.
Credibility - people will then pay high prices for workshops you run.
Lead generation.
The client is already pre-closed/sold.
For example Heidi generates interested leads for her off-line business.
Early movers will win against web sites in the same niche.
Branded courses based on your podcasts.
Allthese ideas you can use and they don't even include paying to listen to your podcast!