Health & Medical Healthy Living

Fish Oil Recommendation


    • According to Medline Plus, omega-3 fatty acids present in fish oils help conditions related to the heart and blood system. They can also help with depression, arthritis, menstruation pain and kidney problems, among others. Fish oils can also reduce triglyceride levels (particles that carry fats in the bloodstream), which are associated with heart disease.


    • Salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel and trout provide about one gram of omega-3 per 3.5 ounces of fish. The AHA advises it is better to obtain fish oils from the diet. Those people who may not get enough from food should ask their doctor about taking supplements.


    • Some fish contains high levels of mercury. The AHA recommends that children and pregnant women avoid eating shark, swordfish and tilefish, which is more likely to be contaminated. Taking more than 3 grams per day of omega-3 fatty acids can cause excessive bleeding. Only take higher doses under the supervision of a physician.

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