Being fat has become increasingly common in America today.
Ever wonder why so many of us are so big? There has never been such a fat generation in America before.
What could be causing this epidemic that is sweeping the nation? Being fortunate seems to be a downfall for many.
Understanding this phenomena and trying to rationalize its potential outcome has become an obsession for many, yet the spread of it seems to be unstoppable.
Why is this potentially the biggest killer, since smoking, to overwhelm the nation in the last century? Morbid Obesity - Why America is Number One Often, trying to understand a phenomena can be more dangerous than solving it.
We are a rich and vibrant people that never runs away from a challenge yet we also seem to always be looking for, and finding trouble
It seems increasingly difficult to have the cake and eat it to.
America is strong because of freedom and it is this freedom to choose that will permit It to overcome this hurdle history has chosen to leave on Americas doorstep.
The quality of life in America is the best in the modern era.
Our freedom of speech gives us responsibility to record and research, for all possible solutions that can help the whole world.
Speak out and help your neighbor.
Create a positive attitude movement, that will sweep the nation and help bring the solutions that will help America tame this angry epidemic, before it takes hold of the nation.
America is number one because it can take it.
Now lets solve it.
There are many tools that exist to help us understand why and we need to study them carefully and use the knowledge to help others.
Ever wonder why so many of us are so big? There has never been such a fat generation in America before.
What could be causing this epidemic that is sweeping the nation? Being fortunate seems to be a downfall for many.
Understanding this phenomena and trying to rationalize its potential outcome has become an obsession for many, yet the spread of it seems to be unstoppable.
Why is this potentially the biggest killer, since smoking, to overwhelm the nation in the last century? Morbid Obesity - Why America is Number One Often, trying to understand a phenomena can be more dangerous than solving it.
We are a rich and vibrant people that never runs away from a challenge yet we also seem to always be looking for, and finding trouble
- America is number one because it is the leader in everything else, why not obesity.
- America is number one because it often has a tendency to want to help others more than help itself.
- America is number one because it has the hardest working people on the face of the earth.
It seems increasingly difficult to have the cake and eat it to.
- America is number one because it is free and people have choices to make that they only can answer for themselves.
America is strong because of freedom and it is this freedom to choose that will permit It to overcome this hurdle history has chosen to leave on Americas doorstep.
- America is number one because it has the resources, the determination and the leadership to overcome whatever the Universe throws at it.
The quality of life in America is the best in the modern era.
Our freedom of speech gives us responsibility to record and research, for all possible solutions that can help the whole world.
Speak out and help your neighbor.
Create a positive attitude movement, that will sweep the nation and help bring the solutions that will help America tame this angry epidemic, before it takes hold of the nation.
America is number one because it can take it.
Now lets solve it.
There are many tools that exist to help us understand why and we need to study them carefully and use the knowledge to help others.