It has happened ten times. There have now been ten different situations where I was elated that a person called the second line on my mobile phone. This line is for people I just met, or dont want to speak to, and I let all those calls go to voice mail.
I cannot tell you how happy I am with VoX. I downloaded a Mobile VoIP App from VoX and I got a second phone number and voice mail. I give it to everyone I dont really want to talk to. I use it for outbound calling too, because I dont always want people to have my primary cell phone number show up in their caller ID.
So, here it is. Ten times I gave out my VoX phone number, and when they called me back, I let the call go to voicemail.
1.I signed up for a mortgage quote online. They dont give you any useful information until they have your phone number.
2.I filled out a credit application. Heck, every creditor should go to voice mail.
3.I toured a timeshare, and got my $75 dinner voucher in exchange for my phone number.
4.I took a test drive, and they wanted to call me for the next 5 days to see if I had decided to buy it yet.
5.I sat next to a dude at the ball game and he thought we had made a connection.
6.I wanted to buy something on Craigs list. I called them on my VoX line, and I never gave them my primary phone number.
7.I did that online dating thing and had to give a phone number so we could meet.
8.I met a person that I thought was really cool, but it was 2:00 AM.
9.The neighbor had an open house, and I had to see the inside. The selling broker wont let you leave without a phone number.
10.I met a businessman in the street who asked me if I knew people who might want to work in the new office he was opening up. He would not leave until I gave him my phone number, and he punched it into his cell phone and called me while I was standing in front of him to make sure he had the right number.
See, you need to get a second phone line from VoX. Let all those calls go to voice mail if you want.
They have several calling plans, including U.S. at 2 cents a minute and huge savings on International Calling. I dont use international yet. If you want the Pay and Go plan, then for only $1.00, you can get a real phone number that rings on your mobile phone. It comes with its own voice mail system, so your VoX line can have a different voice mail greeting from your primary line.
I cannot tell you how happy I am with VoX. I downloaded a Mobile VoIP App from VoX and I got a second phone number and voice mail. I give it to everyone I dont really want to talk to. I use it for outbound calling too, because I dont always want people to have my primary cell phone number show up in their caller ID.
So, here it is. Ten times I gave out my VoX phone number, and when they called me back, I let the call go to voicemail.
1.I signed up for a mortgage quote online. They dont give you any useful information until they have your phone number.
2.I filled out a credit application. Heck, every creditor should go to voice mail.
3.I toured a timeshare, and got my $75 dinner voucher in exchange for my phone number.
4.I took a test drive, and they wanted to call me for the next 5 days to see if I had decided to buy it yet.
5.I sat next to a dude at the ball game and he thought we had made a connection.
6.I wanted to buy something on Craigs list. I called them on my VoX line, and I never gave them my primary phone number.
7.I did that online dating thing and had to give a phone number so we could meet.
8.I met a person that I thought was really cool, but it was 2:00 AM.
9.The neighbor had an open house, and I had to see the inside. The selling broker wont let you leave without a phone number.
10.I met a businessman in the street who asked me if I knew people who might want to work in the new office he was opening up. He would not leave until I gave him my phone number, and he punched it into his cell phone and called me while I was standing in front of him to make sure he had the right number.
See, you need to get a second phone line from VoX. Let all those calls go to voice mail if you want.
They have several calling plans, including U.S. at 2 cents a minute and huge savings on International Calling. I dont use international yet. If you want the Pay and Go plan, then for only $1.00, you can get a real phone number that rings on your mobile phone. It comes with its own voice mail system, so your VoX line can have a different voice mail greeting from your primary line.