Health & Medical Lose Weight

Three Basic Body Types

There are three basic body types for women.
Knowing what your body type is makes it much easier for you to tailor your exercise routine and your diet specifically to your needs.
Body Type #1: Mesomorph A mesomorph is characterized as a naturally fit body.
They usually have broad shoulders, a narrow waist, and a larger amount of lean muscle.
Mesomorphs tend to be the best at controlling weight due to their higher metabolism.
Body Type #2: Ectomorph An ectomorph is characterized as being naturally too thin.
They have very lean frames with narrow shoulders, waists, hips.
Generally ectomorph's metabolism is so fast they can eat whatever they want and stay thin.
This also keeps their body fat percentage very low.
Ectomorph's do not usually have the pleasing shape mesomorph's do.
This is because the amount of lean muscle is much less in an ectomorph.
Body Type #3: Endomorph An endomorph is characterized as being "big boned".
Generally, endomorphs have a larger skeletal structure, rounder face, large body and legs, and a slow metabolism.
If not careful, endomorphs can gain weight easily, but it is not so easy for them to get it off.
Be careful of what you eat and keep to an exercise program.
Most people do not fit into just one category.
You may have most of one category, but some traits of other categories.
Knowing where you fall in with your body type can really help you and you doctor find the perfect diet and exercise program for your lifestyle.
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