The lack of money by individual is not a direct reflection of recession, worse economic policies and systems, but a significant signal that the individuals mind lack the astute programming of money magnetism in his mind.
Poor mind yield poor man and rich mind yield rich man.
Ever before the creation of man, God the supreme counsel of the entire universe has created money but not either digital or paper format, rather in its unique prototype of values that can be transmitted into various physical monetary equivalence.
It is lack of the right money magnetism that made several millions of people living in the richest naturally endowed regions of the world live in poverty.
Grants, loans and other forms of aid facilities will not or hardily procure the much needed solution for this people.
To develop the right money magnetism, you have to start seeing money in its value prototypes.
Start seeing what have values that can be transforming into real money.
Create ideas that can get you the quality and quantity of money you need.
The richest and most influential people of the world know about this secret, that, the economic course in the university does not guarantee financial intelligence that attracts money to you.
It is when you have the right perspective of money that reprograms your mind with the right money magnetism.
To strengthen this money building "dunamis" (might), do the followings:- 1.
Each day you wake up, call millions, hundred of millions repeatedly in the air, nobody will arrest you for calling money.
This will imprint on your subconscious mind and build up right money magnetism in you.
Each time you come in contact with money, be counted before you either in the store or by a friend, mentally magnetize it and print on your mind that whatever bring you in contact with money suggest that your hands can count such money someday.
Do not leave the incident like this to chance, for whatever your eyes can see, you can touch and permanent keep in your possession.
Study financial journals like the Forbes, Fortune Magazine, Bank Financial Statement publications, The Wall Street Journal, and others.
These awaken the dormant ingenuity in you, and provoke you to create your own cash flow diversion technique that attracts the money you need to ride to great fortune.
Cash flow diversion technique is the potent tool to launch you into orbit of financial achievement.
Each day you wake up; keep around you people that believe in possibilities, abundance and great ideas that can create money.
Do not allow people complain about poverty, recession and poor economic system that capitalism represent.
Always affirm possibilities, positivity and money abundance, this way, you stay conscious of what and where will breed money to you in the environment.
Work your thought with this level of subconscious awareness, and watch how you attract money to yourself with ease.
Even the Holy Book submitted "when men are cast, let the righteous say there is a lifting up" for every economic melt down usually result to an economic wealth up for others somewhere.
Do not want money so that you use it sponsor evil and wickedness against others, money is a sacred thing with wrong motives you cannot attract it no matter how you try.
Money obeys and operates by universal dynamic law that must be well understood and rightly appropriated in place to result to great fortune and wealth.
See money as something that has eyes, ears, legs, wings, mind and might.
It does not adjust it standard to meet yours; rather you have to adjust yours to meet its standard universal codes of operation.
The knowledge of these U-codes of money makes you to operate with financial intelligence which you cannot get in the Harvard Business School neither scoop from the Princeton University Financial analysis.
Having this "phronesis" (wisdom), see beyond your "dialogismos" (imagination) and be "makarios" (blessed) beyond the universal consciousness
Poor mind yield poor man and rich mind yield rich man.
Ever before the creation of man, God the supreme counsel of the entire universe has created money but not either digital or paper format, rather in its unique prototype of values that can be transmitted into various physical monetary equivalence.
It is lack of the right money magnetism that made several millions of people living in the richest naturally endowed regions of the world live in poverty.
Grants, loans and other forms of aid facilities will not or hardily procure the much needed solution for this people.
To develop the right money magnetism, you have to start seeing money in its value prototypes.
Start seeing what have values that can be transforming into real money.
Create ideas that can get you the quality and quantity of money you need.
The richest and most influential people of the world know about this secret, that, the economic course in the university does not guarantee financial intelligence that attracts money to you.
It is when you have the right perspective of money that reprograms your mind with the right money magnetism.
To strengthen this money building "dunamis" (might), do the followings:- 1.
Each day you wake up, call millions, hundred of millions repeatedly in the air, nobody will arrest you for calling money.
This will imprint on your subconscious mind and build up right money magnetism in you.
Each time you come in contact with money, be counted before you either in the store or by a friend, mentally magnetize it and print on your mind that whatever bring you in contact with money suggest that your hands can count such money someday.
Do not leave the incident like this to chance, for whatever your eyes can see, you can touch and permanent keep in your possession.
Study financial journals like the Forbes, Fortune Magazine, Bank Financial Statement publications, The Wall Street Journal, and others.
These awaken the dormant ingenuity in you, and provoke you to create your own cash flow diversion technique that attracts the money you need to ride to great fortune.
Cash flow diversion technique is the potent tool to launch you into orbit of financial achievement.
Each day you wake up; keep around you people that believe in possibilities, abundance and great ideas that can create money.
Do not allow people complain about poverty, recession and poor economic system that capitalism represent.
Always affirm possibilities, positivity and money abundance, this way, you stay conscious of what and where will breed money to you in the environment.
Work your thought with this level of subconscious awareness, and watch how you attract money to yourself with ease.
Even the Holy Book submitted "when men are cast, let the righteous say there is a lifting up" for every economic melt down usually result to an economic wealth up for others somewhere.
Do not want money so that you use it sponsor evil and wickedness against others, money is a sacred thing with wrong motives you cannot attract it no matter how you try.
Money obeys and operates by universal dynamic law that must be well understood and rightly appropriated in place to result to great fortune and wealth.
See money as something that has eyes, ears, legs, wings, mind and might.
It does not adjust it standard to meet yours; rather you have to adjust yours to meet its standard universal codes of operation.
The knowledge of these U-codes of money makes you to operate with financial intelligence which you cannot get in the Harvard Business School neither scoop from the Princeton University Financial analysis.
Having this "phronesis" (wisdom), see beyond your "dialogismos" (imagination) and be "makarios" (blessed) beyond the universal consciousness