Happy people enjoy their lives, no matter what they are doing.
They do not limit their fun times to recreation or activities labeled "fun.
" When you think of all the fun things you do, do you think of the fun things that you do in all areas of your life? I have a friend who loves to bake cookies--not for kids or grandkids, or for friends who drop by, but for herself.
She always has cookies on hand because she enjoys eating cookies.
Eating cookies makes her feel good.
She enjoys both baking and eating her cookies.
Take a moment to look at all the different areas of your life and see what is it that you can do in each area to make it a fun thing.
Some people, when they wash the dishes, put on some music and they sing and they dance while washing the dishes.
Hey, if you need to do some task, why not make it enjoyable? When you clean the house put on a pair of headphones and play music or books.
Just don't listen while you run the vacuum because you'll have to make the volume so loud you may make yourself deaf covering the vacuum noise.
The rest of the time you are cleaning the house, why not listen to some funny stuff? You can entertain yourself, laugh, sing, dance or even learn-while doing many household chores.
Get really loud.
Act really goofy and be really silly.
Let yourself enjoy whatever it is you're doing and all of that making fun of what could be drudgery work around the house-that time is separate from the ten to twenty minutes that you take time for yourself everyday to do something that has nothing to do with accomplishing a task other than enjoying yourself.
I imagine you heard about the story of Norman Cousins who was dying of a fatal illness.
He cured himself by cooping himself up in a room with funny movies and TV shows.
He just watched stuff that made him laugh and laugh and laugh.
When you laugh your body releases wonderful chemicals through your system that cause healing.
His laughter made him well.
He beat a fatal disease by being happy and enjoying himself.
Keep yourself healthy and happy by enjoying yourself.
Do something that makes you laugh out loud every single day.
What would that be for you? Think.
There must be something somewhere.
Maybe you might read a funny story, a funny play or even a joke book.
They do not limit their fun times to recreation or activities labeled "fun.
" When you think of all the fun things you do, do you think of the fun things that you do in all areas of your life? I have a friend who loves to bake cookies--not for kids or grandkids, or for friends who drop by, but for herself.
She always has cookies on hand because she enjoys eating cookies.
Eating cookies makes her feel good.
She enjoys both baking and eating her cookies.
Take a moment to look at all the different areas of your life and see what is it that you can do in each area to make it a fun thing.
Some people, when they wash the dishes, put on some music and they sing and they dance while washing the dishes.
Hey, if you need to do some task, why not make it enjoyable? When you clean the house put on a pair of headphones and play music or books.
Just don't listen while you run the vacuum because you'll have to make the volume so loud you may make yourself deaf covering the vacuum noise.
The rest of the time you are cleaning the house, why not listen to some funny stuff? You can entertain yourself, laugh, sing, dance or even learn-while doing many household chores.
Get really loud.
Act really goofy and be really silly.
Let yourself enjoy whatever it is you're doing and all of that making fun of what could be drudgery work around the house-that time is separate from the ten to twenty minutes that you take time for yourself everyday to do something that has nothing to do with accomplishing a task other than enjoying yourself.
I imagine you heard about the story of Norman Cousins who was dying of a fatal illness.
He cured himself by cooping himself up in a room with funny movies and TV shows.
He just watched stuff that made him laugh and laugh and laugh.
When you laugh your body releases wonderful chemicals through your system that cause healing.
His laughter made him well.
He beat a fatal disease by being happy and enjoying himself.
Keep yourself healthy and happy by enjoying yourself.
Do something that makes you laugh out loud every single day.
What would that be for you? Think.
There must be something somewhere.
Maybe you might read a funny story, a funny play or even a joke book.