Spirituality means many things to many people. Answering the question of "what is spirituality" for yourself is an important step in your lifelong process of discovery.
To be honest, you don't need to become an expert in terminology to enjoy a life of meaning and fulfillment. The words are just pointers and tools you can use to uncover your personal direction.
So this article is only one possible answer to the question of "what is spirituality?" If these words resonate with your heart, expand upon them; if not, move on and find something else that feels right to you.
True spirituality has nothing to do with religious practice. The observance of specific belief systems, honoring of certain holy days & customs, and living by a set code of conduct are not spiritual pursuits in and of themselves.
These and other things can be part of an individual's overall spirituality. But group values systems and traditional behaviors are no more spiritual than political affiliations or loyalty to a college football team.
Spirituality is a very personal matter. And it's completely experiential, meaning it must be experienced before it can be fully understood.
Having said all this, what's left to answer? I've carried on for half a page about what spirituality is not; so what is it then?
Spirituality is a basic awareness of higher consciousness, and an allowing of the present moment to be what it is.
I could refine this statement by saying: one is spiritual when he or she is aware of a collective, creative consciousness that operates beyond the ego mind. Also, spiritual living involves the practice of being mindful in the moment, and allowing the now to take on a life of its own beyond individual desires to shape events.
This statement is intentionally open for interpretation. While I've captured the essence of what I believe spirituality to be, I have refrained from providing a definition heavy with my own personal preferences.
When you know intelligence exists beyond the part of your mind "containing" your identity and personal sense of self, you are being spiritual. When you say "yes" to the present moment, allowing the senses to perceive what they will and making no effort to control what is with your own preference and prejudice, you are being spiritual.
Knowing a great intelligence exists, but making no effort to label it in a way that comforts you, is an act of wisdom. It takes great fortitude to be content with the idea of not necessarily understanding or controlling the world around you.
Also being completely alert in the present moment, rather than hiding from yourself in thoughts of the past and future, requires a steadfast nature. Humanity is not afraid of its alleged weakness and frailty; rather, we are afraid of our own incredible power, thus we hide our faces from it by living in the past and the future most of our lives.
It's not my intention to slander religion. But I am compelled to warn that many faiths were developed to crush the spiritual nature of their followers.
People are often outraged by any definition of spirituality that omits the vengeful, all-knowing god who exists to protect and punish them. It's a bizarre phenomenon, and it's the result of centuries of conditioning and brainwash.
By all means take this article as my opinion. But it's an opinion based on life experience and an honest search for the truth.
I make no effort to appease the values of others or to detract from another's point of view. And it's my sincere hope that I have at least planted the seed of an answer that can be harvested by those who are seeking.
To be honest, you don't need to become an expert in terminology to enjoy a life of meaning and fulfillment. The words are just pointers and tools you can use to uncover your personal direction.
So this article is only one possible answer to the question of "what is spirituality?" If these words resonate with your heart, expand upon them; if not, move on and find something else that feels right to you.
True spirituality has nothing to do with religious practice. The observance of specific belief systems, honoring of certain holy days & customs, and living by a set code of conduct are not spiritual pursuits in and of themselves.
These and other things can be part of an individual's overall spirituality. But group values systems and traditional behaviors are no more spiritual than political affiliations or loyalty to a college football team.
Spirituality is a very personal matter. And it's completely experiential, meaning it must be experienced before it can be fully understood.
Having said all this, what's left to answer? I've carried on for half a page about what spirituality is not; so what is it then?
Spirituality is a basic awareness of higher consciousness, and an allowing of the present moment to be what it is.
I could refine this statement by saying: one is spiritual when he or she is aware of a collective, creative consciousness that operates beyond the ego mind. Also, spiritual living involves the practice of being mindful in the moment, and allowing the now to take on a life of its own beyond individual desires to shape events.
This statement is intentionally open for interpretation. While I've captured the essence of what I believe spirituality to be, I have refrained from providing a definition heavy with my own personal preferences.
When you know intelligence exists beyond the part of your mind "containing" your identity and personal sense of self, you are being spiritual. When you say "yes" to the present moment, allowing the senses to perceive what they will and making no effort to control what is with your own preference and prejudice, you are being spiritual.
Knowing a great intelligence exists, but making no effort to label it in a way that comforts you, is an act of wisdom. It takes great fortitude to be content with the idea of not necessarily understanding or controlling the world around you.
Also being completely alert in the present moment, rather than hiding from yourself in thoughts of the past and future, requires a steadfast nature. Humanity is not afraid of its alleged weakness and frailty; rather, we are afraid of our own incredible power, thus we hide our faces from it by living in the past and the future most of our lives.
It's not my intention to slander religion. But I am compelled to warn that many faiths were developed to crush the spiritual nature of their followers.
People are often outraged by any definition of spirituality that omits the vengeful, all-knowing god who exists to protect and punish them. It's a bizarre phenomenon, and it's the result of centuries of conditioning and brainwash.
By all means take this article as my opinion. But it's an opinion based on life experience and an honest search for the truth.
I make no effort to appease the values of others or to detract from another's point of view. And it's my sincere hope that I have at least planted the seed of an answer that can be harvested by those who are seeking.