We all create our own happiness from the inside out, and the only free lunch we get is the one we pay for ourselves without strings attached.
With that said, I am going to do something totally insane in this article: I am going to be totally honest with you.
Life is a wild hustle, and a well played game at best, nothing more, nothing less.
If you happen to be the winner, good and great.
If you happen to be the loser, shame on you for using your power wrong or not using your power at all.
In all honesty, I am exaggerating and over simplifying my point for this reason: To show the cause and effect workings of life, working all the time.
Winning is the engine of survival, losing is not.
Let us face it.
I do not care what people may say about fairness and "keeping the convoy together.
" Winning counts for everything in the deepest, most genuine sense.
Also, in all honesty, if happiness came from outside, he with the most toys would die the happiest invariably and without doubt always.
We know that all circumstances happen to all people in all ways, so it is what it is.
It does not matter who wins in the way just described really.
It only matters how it is all done to your own estimation of greatness.
No one cares how good it all seems in a fantasy way, only how good it is really done in reality.
Think about it, only what is counts.
What is not, or what is boasted about or bragged about does not count.
So, when I talk about winning, I do not mean stepping over dead bodies and doing more killing no matter what the cost to get what you want either.
I mean doing your best at all levels as long as it is what you genuinely want, no matter what the results.
In short, the patient person always wins more than the ruthless person.
So, I repeat in the next paragraph with more color and semantic meaning.
Life is a wild hustle, and a well played game at best, nothing more, nothing less.
You have goals in a game, right? You have things to get past in a game, right? You have all the game conditions when you are conducting business in life, right? So, understand how I mean the word game.
Like a tape recorder can "play", getting things done is a "game" when you think about it.
Same difference.
When you can think about it in that kind of way, reality does become simpler, does it not? Winning time, not closing time.
"All the world is a stage, and we are nothing but players.
" William Shakespeare said that, I end with that quote.
Be the hero and winner in your own reality, your brain, mind, soul and spirit are powerful and have access to the greatest knowledge in existence.
With that said, I am going to do something totally insane in this article: I am going to be totally honest with you.
Life is a wild hustle, and a well played game at best, nothing more, nothing less.
If you happen to be the winner, good and great.
If you happen to be the loser, shame on you for using your power wrong or not using your power at all.
In all honesty, I am exaggerating and over simplifying my point for this reason: To show the cause and effect workings of life, working all the time.
Winning is the engine of survival, losing is not.
Let us face it.
I do not care what people may say about fairness and "keeping the convoy together.
" Winning counts for everything in the deepest, most genuine sense.
Also, in all honesty, if happiness came from outside, he with the most toys would die the happiest invariably and without doubt always.
We know that all circumstances happen to all people in all ways, so it is what it is.
It does not matter who wins in the way just described really.
It only matters how it is all done to your own estimation of greatness.
No one cares how good it all seems in a fantasy way, only how good it is really done in reality.
Think about it, only what is counts.
What is not, or what is boasted about or bragged about does not count.
So, when I talk about winning, I do not mean stepping over dead bodies and doing more killing no matter what the cost to get what you want either.
I mean doing your best at all levels as long as it is what you genuinely want, no matter what the results.
In short, the patient person always wins more than the ruthless person.
So, I repeat in the next paragraph with more color and semantic meaning.
Life is a wild hustle, and a well played game at best, nothing more, nothing less.
You have goals in a game, right? You have things to get past in a game, right? You have all the game conditions when you are conducting business in life, right? So, understand how I mean the word game.
Like a tape recorder can "play", getting things done is a "game" when you think about it.
Same difference.
When you can think about it in that kind of way, reality does become simpler, does it not? Winning time, not closing time.
"All the world is a stage, and we are nothing but players.
" William Shakespeare said that, I end with that quote.
Be the hero and winner in your own reality, your brain, mind, soul and spirit are powerful and have access to the greatest knowledge in existence.