Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Money - How to Open Yourself to the Money and Wealth You Desire and Deserve

"Money in of itself is just paper, it's just coins.
It actually doesn't mean anything unless you give meaning to it.
Dr Joe Vitale So the big question is, "What meaning do you give to money?" A broader definition of money is that money is energy.
Energy needs to flow and money flows when it's circulated.
So if you lack money and you're able to identify what money means to you'll be able to identify where blocks exist in your energy flow and effectively what is preventing money flowing to you.
Now you may even be uncertain as to how to answer the question, "What meaning do you give money?" Well, the answer exists to how you feel about money.
When you think about money it's highly likely that several negative beliefs regarding money rise to the surface.
Beliefs such as: ~ I don't manage money well.
~ I squander money.
~ It's wrong to have money in excess.
~ I feel guilty having a lot of money.
~ Making money is difficult.
These negative beliefs will certainly get in the way of you having an abundance of money in your life.
But before we deal with the negative beliefs you may have regarding money let's just imagine for a moment that you did have a lot of money.
Imagine that you had more than enough money and that you could buy anything you wanted.
What would you spend that money on? Now when you think about this, emotions are going to be stirred within you.
Get in touch with those emotions because these feelings hold vital clues as to where you are currently feeling lack in your life.
Perhaps you would travel extensively.
Well what feelings does travel invoke in you? What do you experience when you travel? Whatever feelings you identify then your energy vibration with respect to these feelings is low.
You need to raise your energy in these areas.
So first of all if you would like to travel more, decide exactly where you'd like to go.
Decide on the mode of travel, the type of accommodation you'll stay in, who you will travel with, etc.
In other words plan your trip with as much detail as possible.
I can hear your objections.
You're saying, "But I don't have the money.
It doesn't matter.
Your actual spend on this exercise is zero to negligible.
You may want to create a detailed map outlining your trip.
You can also create a vision board.
You can use Google Earth to travel virtually to and explore your destination.
Plan your trip with exquisite detail and get the stuff you'll need to make your trip in order.
Ensure that your passport is up-to-date, pack your suitcase, take care of any domestic arrangements that you'll need to have in place, etc.
But most important of all, visualize yourself making that trip and enjoying yourself once you reach your destination.
You'll be amazed at what can happen if you play this game in full.
When others have done this they have often found that opportunities to travel simply come up and they haven't even had to spend a great deal of actual money to take advantage of these opportunities.
However, we still need to take care of your negative self-beliefs regarding money because they will inhibit the flow of money to you.
Once you've written down your list of negative money beliefs, on a separate piece of paper, to counter these negative beliefs write a list of the positive money beliefs such as: ~ I am an excellent money manager.
~ I save money.
~ It's my birthright to have money in abundance.
~ I enjoy having lots of money.
~ Making money is easy.
Now dispose of the list of negative beliefs.
You may want to make a ritual of this.
For instance, you could burn the list.
Take note of and amplify the positive emotions you feel when you do this.
Next practice your new positive affirmations every day.
Practice these things and you'll start to feel more wealthy and abundant and money will flow more readily to you.
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