Whether you are born with a silver spoon in your mouth or came up on the rough side of the mountain of life, you will have challenges.
There is no need to try to avoid, escape, get around and or pretend life challenges do not exist, in fact they are more pronounced today, than they were in the beginning of time.
The best way to manage life challenges is to address them head on.
Why? Great question and I will explain why it is better to address life challenges directly.
One of the best reasons to address life challenges head on is because the sooner you do, the sooner you can get on with your life.
Never allow problems to linger and or fester, they only get worst with time.
The longer you put off problems, the longer they will be with you.
It is high time for each of us to be the men and women we were created to be and that is people of strong courage.
Never shrink when a problem rears its ugly head, rather expand, embrace and cultivate solutions to your problems.
Manifest a collection of solutions to the life problems you face, catalog them and share them with family members, friends, colleagues, neighbors and your children if they are old enough to understand them.
Embrace all of life problems and confront them with boldness because fear surrenders to boldness and power all of the time.
We were not created to be fearful, rather to be faithful, so let you light shine so others will know it is alright to fight the good fight of faith.
If you think you are defeated, then you are.
On the other hand, if you do not fear any man, woman or child on earth, you are in rare company and you are to be commended for your fearlessness.
If you find yourself cornered and you have no way out, you should fight until the finish and be the last person standing when it comes to life challenges.
An interesting fight you might one day find yourself in, is a fight with yourself.
If you win a fight with yourself, then you are doing remarkably great because mankind greatest conquest is of himself.
Most battles in life begin on the inside with negative self talk, low self-esteem and or being mentally beaten down so much, there is no fight left in you.
I have a surprise for everyone who feels he or she can not go on and it is this, surrender not that which is yours and remember the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, so you already know you are in for the fight of your life.
Be you, be bold and be brilliant as you traverse life challenges that present themselves and never surrender what is for you, for it was given to you by a higher authority, one greater than man.
We are all going to face life challenges, fight on until victory is won.
There is no need to try to avoid, escape, get around and or pretend life challenges do not exist, in fact they are more pronounced today, than they were in the beginning of time.
The best way to manage life challenges is to address them head on.
Why? Great question and I will explain why it is better to address life challenges directly.
One of the best reasons to address life challenges head on is because the sooner you do, the sooner you can get on with your life.
Never allow problems to linger and or fester, they only get worst with time.
The longer you put off problems, the longer they will be with you.
It is high time for each of us to be the men and women we were created to be and that is people of strong courage.
Never shrink when a problem rears its ugly head, rather expand, embrace and cultivate solutions to your problems.
Manifest a collection of solutions to the life problems you face, catalog them and share them with family members, friends, colleagues, neighbors and your children if they are old enough to understand them.
Embrace all of life problems and confront them with boldness because fear surrenders to boldness and power all of the time.
We were not created to be fearful, rather to be faithful, so let you light shine so others will know it is alright to fight the good fight of faith.
If you think you are defeated, then you are.
On the other hand, if you do not fear any man, woman or child on earth, you are in rare company and you are to be commended for your fearlessness.
If you find yourself cornered and you have no way out, you should fight until the finish and be the last person standing when it comes to life challenges.
An interesting fight you might one day find yourself in, is a fight with yourself.
If you win a fight with yourself, then you are doing remarkably great because mankind greatest conquest is of himself.
Most battles in life begin on the inside with negative self talk, low self-esteem and or being mentally beaten down so much, there is no fight left in you.
I have a surprise for everyone who feels he or she can not go on and it is this, surrender not that which is yours and remember the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, so you already know you are in for the fight of your life.
Be you, be bold and be brilliant as you traverse life challenges that present themselves and never surrender what is for you, for it was given to you by a higher authority, one greater than man.
We are all going to face life challenges, fight on until victory is won.