- Hypoid refers to types of gears. Hypoid gears have a twisted appearance as opposed to straight. The lubricant required for this type of gear is capable of resisting high pressure. The label may not specifically state the term hypoid, but should be rated for extreme pressure (EP), such as EP90 or (SAE), such as SAE90.
- Viscosity, or oil weight, refers to the thickness of the oil and is rated by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) according to temperature requirements. Low temperature oils are labeled W followed by a number, while high temperature oils are labeled SAE or EP.
- Lubricants with an SAE rating followed by a W are designated for winter operation. Oils labeled with GL-5 are used with hypoid gears. Manual transmissions do not typically require hypoid oil, but it is commonly required in the rear axle.
High Viscosity