Unless you're one of the lucky one in a billion guys who is like Midas when it comes to pulling mad action, you've gotten your share of rejection.
This is part and parcel to becoming a master seducer, which you are well on your way to.
However, sometimes you can shoot yourself in the foot based on your response.
Regardless of who's fault it is or who's to blame, your mindset, when dealing with those times when you don't get what you want, for whatever reason, have a huge impact on your future success.
For starters, never, ever blame the woman.
Unless you've got a signed contract with her and you've been steady business partners for years, the ability to blame any woman for anything stems from one thing: Assuming that she was going to do something.
Or worse, thinking that she SHOULD do something.
Don't get me wrong.
I'm not saying that you should give women a pass for crappy behavior.
Quite the contrary.
You should walk the second she violates any of your boundaries.
(You DO have boundaries, don't you?) But getting angry at her won't help a bit.
Sure, it might be hard on the ego to think you could've handled it better, and it makes your feel better by blaming her, but all it's going to do is increase your anger towards women in general.
Getting angry at her for not behaving like you thought she should is like blaming a cat if you expected it to speak French.
When you first meet her, you really have no idea of what she's like, or how she behaves in certain situations.
Another common response is to blame yourself.
To go home thinking that you'll be never be skilled, or you'll never get the girls you want.
This is terrible thinking.
You tried your best, and you got what you got.
Simply learn from the experience, and move on.
The last deadly mindset is thinking you've got to "settle.
" You'd like that nine over there, but you think you need to "settle" for that six that is talking to you right now.
Human beings are programmed to always get the best we can, in every situation we are in.
If you are getting something less than what you want, use the present opportunity to try something new.
Expand your comfort zone.
Try a different communication technique.
Once you think of "settling," you suddenly stop learning.
And if you stop learning, you may as well drop out completely.
You don't want to do that, do you?
This is part and parcel to becoming a master seducer, which you are well on your way to.
However, sometimes you can shoot yourself in the foot based on your response.
Regardless of who's fault it is or who's to blame, your mindset, when dealing with those times when you don't get what you want, for whatever reason, have a huge impact on your future success.
For starters, never, ever blame the woman.
Unless you've got a signed contract with her and you've been steady business partners for years, the ability to blame any woman for anything stems from one thing: Assuming that she was going to do something.
Or worse, thinking that she SHOULD do something.
Don't get me wrong.
I'm not saying that you should give women a pass for crappy behavior.
Quite the contrary.
You should walk the second she violates any of your boundaries.
(You DO have boundaries, don't you?) But getting angry at her won't help a bit.
Sure, it might be hard on the ego to think you could've handled it better, and it makes your feel better by blaming her, but all it's going to do is increase your anger towards women in general.
Getting angry at her for not behaving like you thought she should is like blaming a cat if you expected it to speak French.
When you first meet her, you really have no idea of what she's like, or how she behaves in certain situations.
Another common response is to blame yourself.
To go home thinking that you'll be never be skilled, or you'll never get the girls you want.
This is terrible thinking.
You tried your best, and you got what you got.
Simply learn from the experience, and move on.
The last deadly mindset is thinking you've got to "settle.
" You'd like that nine over there, but you think you need to "settle" for that six that is talking to you right now.
Human beings are programmed to always get the best we can, in every situation we are in.
If you are getting something less than what you want, use the present opportunity to try something new.
Expand your comfort zone.
Try a different communication technique.
Once you think of "settling," you suddenly stop learning.
And if you stop learning, you may as well drop out completely.
You don't want to do that, do you?