- 1). Click on the Start button and select the "Run" option.
- 2). Type in "regedit" and click the "OK" button. This will open the Windows registry editor.
- 3). Click on the Edit drop down and select the "Find" option. Type in "Internet Settings" and click the "Find Now" button.
- 4). Double-click "CertificateRevocation" under the Name column and enter "1" for the value data. Click the "OK" button to save the change.
- 5). Click the File drop down and select "Exit" to close the registry editor.
- 1). Double-click the icon for Internet Explorer on your desktop to open the program.
- 2). Click on the Tools drop down and select "Internet Options."
- 3). Go to the Advanced tab.
- 4). Scroll to the Security section under Settings and look for the "Check for Server Certificate Revocation" option.
- 5). Put a check in the box to enable the option.
Enable Certificate Revocation
Checking Internet Explorer