Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Benefits of Stretching - Tips and Guidelines

What is stretching and why should we do it? Stretching is done by performing certain exercises in order to increase flexibility around particular joints of the body by using a controlled force to lengthen the muscle and connective tissues.
When the body's joints and muscles are taken near the limit of their range of motion, a 'stretch reflex' occurs, which means that the muscle that is being stretched will automatically contract in order to prevent excess lengthening and potential injury to the joint or muscle.
Controlled stretching helps to reset the point at which this stretch reflex occurs.
There are many reasons why we should stretch, and when done properly, stretching can provide benefits such as: Increased physical performance by: - Increasing range of motion (eg longer strides for a runner).
- Increasing the body's ability to use elastic energy stored within the muscle-tendon tissues.
Other benefits: - Reduced risk of joint sprains and muscle strains.
- Reduce muscle soreness and tension.
- Improve your ability in carrying out every day tasks such as lifting packages or bending down to tie your shoelaces.
There are a number of different types of stretching.
Outlined below are some of the most common: Static stretching - Stretching a muscle and holding it for a set amount of time.
- Warm up first with at least 5 minutes of aerobic activity.
- Hold stretches for at least 15 seconds.
Dynamic stretching - Controlled arm and leg swings (gradually increasing reach, or movement speed, or both).
-Very useful as part of a warm up routine.
-No bouncing or jerky movements.
PNF stretching (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) - Usually performed with the assistance of another person.
- Involves a process of contracting a muscle while using a partner or object to stop the limb from moving during the contraction, then relaxing, then stretching the muscle again a little further etc.
- Can provide faster gains in joint range of motion compared with other stretching methods.
Choose stretches that are specific to your own needs or relevance to your sport.
Several studies have suggested that static stretching before your training/sport session may in fact decrease your muscles power output and therefore a common recommendation is to perform static stretches only after your session and instead use a form of dynamic stretching beforehand.
• Hold static stretches for at least 15 seconds (30+ seconds recommended for improved gains).
• If you feel any pain during your stretch you have probably gone too far.
• Make sure you stretch both sides of the body and aim to keep range of motion equal for both sides.
• Don't hold your breath during your stretch.
Avoid stretching if: • You have any recent muscle strains.
• You have recently fractured a bone.
• You have sprained a joint.
• You have hyper-mobile joints.
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