Health & Medical Diabetes

Lower Blood Sugar - 3 Helpful Vitamins

Do you want to lower blood sugar levels? If yes then here you will find the description about some healthful supplements for this Vitamin B Complex: This vitamin is helpful for the treatment of diabetes.
Even if the diabetics take an adequate vitamin B supply still few diabetics have an abnormally small quantity of vitamin B in blood glucose.
It is because of vitamin B loss through urine.
The clinical studies have revealed that considerable improvement can be seen by the consumption of 1600 units of B complex.
This vitamin helps to lower down cholesterol and fats level in the body.
Vitamin B1: Vitamin B1 is specifically helpful for diabetics.
Inadequate supply of vitamin B1 in the diabetic diet results in neuritis.
The condition is relieved soon after the supply of large amount of vitamin B1.
This vitamin is very helpful in controlling the preventive damage to the brain during the attack of diabetic acidosis.
The greater the requirement of insulin, the higher will be the requirement of vitamin B1, Vitamin B5 and biotin.
The natural sources of vitamin B1 are brewer's yeast, wheat germ, whole grain cereals, nuts, pulses, peas, legumes, apple, bananas and dark green leafy vegetables.
Biotin is naturally found in rice bran, brewer's yeast, peanut butter and rice germ.
Vitamin B6: If the diabetic diet is insufficient in vitamin B6 and amino acids the diet is converted in a substance termed xanthurenic acid.
The laboratory results have suggested that xanthurenic acid has the tendency to damage the tissues of pancreas.
If the diabetics are given a supplement of vitamin B6 daily then they show a marked as well as rapid decrease in xanthurenic acid in urine.
The clinical trials were performed in different groups of diabetic patients.
In one case the quantity of xanthurenic acid dropped down to even 97 percent right in the first day of the treatment.
Complete absence of xanthurenic acid was seen in the patients who continued to take the dose of 10 mg to 20 mg of vitamin B6.
The results also indicated that nothing is being formed within the body.
So a liberal intake of vitamin B6 is of greatest help for the diabetics.
The prime natural sources of vitamin B6 are brewer's yeast, cereals, vitamin B6, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes and carrots.
It is strongly recommended to try to heal the diabetes with the help of herbal and vitamin supplements.
A good combination of these supplement, balanced diet and regular exercise are enough to put the diabetics on the path of reversing the disease.
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