Health & Medical Diabetes

Reverse Warning Signs of Diabetes - 12 Simple to Follow Steps

Diabetes is a chronic medical condition.
If the disease is left untreated it can cause lot of severe complications like amputation, blindness, and damage to nerves and kidney diseases.
The first question that comes in the mind of a newly diagnosed diabetic who has just started to experience signs of diabetes is that is there any way to prevent these diabetic complications.
So a one-word answer of their question is "yes".
The diabetics have an innate power to control and manage this chronic complication.
This can be easily done with proper information and education about diabetes.
Diabetics can easily change their life and start living a normal and healthier life by following the 12 easy and simple o follow steps mentioned below.
  1. Limit consumption of carbohydrate with each meal
  2. The intake of carbohydrates must be restricted to not greater than around 4o gm
  3. Consume around 25 gm of total carbohydrates with each snack and then mix these carbohydrates with some lean part of protein or some unsaturated fat.
    The examples of this kind of meals are yogurt (low fat) with nuts or cheese (low fat) and fruit.
  4. Evenly spread the intake of carbohydrate throughout the day to keep yourself away from formation of spikes in level of sugar in blood.
  5. Consume the foods that have low glycemic index and are digested gradually.
    Few good examples are brown rice, oatmeal and whole wheat bread.
  6. Test the level of blood glucose twice a day; before meal and finally two hours after meals.
    This assist to evaluate weather the body is in a position of handling the quantity of carbohydrates.
  7. Aim for following levels of sugar in blood
Before meals 90 mg/dl - 127 mg/dl 2 hrs after meals below 180 mg/dl
  1. Eat smaller meals more often.
    Eating a snack or meal after every 3 hours will aid to accelerate the process of digestion.
  2. The time gap between two big meals or meal or a snack should not be less than 2 hours
  3. Regularly test HbA1C level.
    Strive for achieving less than 6 %.
    This enables to tell you the average range of blood sugar in previous three months.
  4. Regularly exercise.
    Aim to exercise 5 days in one week for at least 20 minutes.
    Exercising enables the insulin produced by pancreas to function more effectively.
  5. Visit your doctor regularly.
    He may adjust the pattern of exercising, medication and diet plan according to body's requirement.
There are not any secret formulas or magical pills yet invented for curing diabetes.
The entire plan to control is in your own hands.
Instruments for controlling diabetes are exercise, medication, food and level of stress.
The diabetics just need to learn these instruments.
Proper following of the above mentioned steps will help you to tune your diabetes and eventually you will be on the way of reversing diabetes and other chronic complications associated with it.
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