Health & Medical Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetics Are Entitled to Long Term Insurance

If you are type 1 diabetic then you are aware of the hardships that people suffering from getting lifetime insurance since the company would often tend to stay away from people who are suffering from this disease because they know that diabetics has a shorter life span.
Insurance companies automatically decline type 1 diabetes patients without any consideration about the case the individual falls in.
Type 1 diabetes is considered as a never-ending disease which is associated with the age of people and it usually leads to early death on the part of the patient.
Therefore, most insurance companies are skeptical of providing even the least insurance coverage that they could offer.
Long term insurance is even harder to obtain because it covers more than that is given by the standard medical insurance.
It gives the rate of long-term care over the decision in advance cycle which includes nursing homes, home care, assisted living, adult daycare, respite care, hospice care, nursing home care, and Alzheimer's facilities.
It will pay for a visiting or live-in caregiver, companion, housekeeper, therapist, or private duty nurse up to seven days a week, 24 hours a day, up to the maximum plan.
Long-term care is very expensive that many couldn't afford it and long-term care coverage is the only way they could save the life of an ailing person since it helps in the expenses for the family that has a type 1 diabetic patient.
Over the past decades, medications, blood glucose monitoring, and life expectancy have improved because of the researches of the few dedicated people so the chance of obtaining life insurance also improves.
In the past two to three years many insurance companies are re-evaluating the case of type 1 diabetics and has expanded their guidelines to cover those who have the disease under control.
The president of Mensh Insurance, Danny Mensh said that the principal criteria for releasing policies for a person suffering from type 1 diabetes includes A1C less than 8%; controlled weight; average fasting blood sugar less than 200; blood pressure less than 140/90; no transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) within the past five years; no smoking within the last two years; no cardiac complications or retinopathy associated with eye impairments; and no chronic steroid usage.
This only means that type 1 diabetic has a greater chance to get a long-term life insurance since insurance companies now realizes the advancement of medical science worldwide.
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