Health & Medical Diabetes

Diabetic Testing Supplies

If you are diabetic, you probably already know that the biggest expense that comes with diabetes is the testing supplies that you absolutely must have in order to keep your diabetes under control.
Many people mistakenly think that the treatment itself is the most expensive part of diabetes.
Diabetics need a way to test their blood sugar, at any time.
This means that they must have a glucose monitor and testing strips, as well as a supply of needles to draw the blood, and a "pen" into which to insert the needles.
This all costs money, and some insurance companies will cover the costs of some of these supplies, and many will not.
Some will limit the amount of supplies that they pay for in a 30-day period, and it often isn't enough to last for the entire month.
Of all of the needed supplies, the testing strips are the most expensive.
Glucose monitors are reasonably priced, and of course can be used over and over again, for years.
The testing strips, however, are quite expensive, and each strip can only be used once.
The same is true for the needles that are used -- they can only be used once.
Luckily, the needles aren't as expensive as the test strips! If you are in need of diabetic testing supplies, your cheapest option is probably to order the supplies online, instead of buying them at your local pharmacy.
Many online diabetic supply companies offer much better prices than local pharmacies, and most will also work with your insurance company, so that you don't have to pay for the supplies out of pocket, and then go through the hassle of getting reimbursed by the insurance company.
Medicare will also pay for testing supplies.
However, the amount of testing supplies that they will pay for in a 30-day period is limited.
If you have a low income, you may be eligible for many programs designed to help out people who cannot afford the supplies.
You can ask your doctor about these programs, or research them online.
Start by visiting the manufacturer's websites for testing supplies.
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