Health & Medical Diabetes

What Is A Blood Glucose Meter And Why Do I Need A Free One?

For diabetics a glucose meter can literally be a lifesaver.
The proper use of a meter allows the user to avoid both hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
The need to keep glucose in balance is vital to effectively managing the disease.
Hyperglycemia A single instance of high blood sugar may not be cause for undue alarm.
However, when blood sugars remain high for an extended period of time in a diabetic the following symptoms often show up.
  • Skin infections
  • Slow-healing cuts and sores
  • Decreased vision
  • Nerve damage causing painful cold or insensitive feet, loss of hair on the lower extremities, and/or erectile dysfunction
  • Stomach and intestinal problems such as chronic constipation or diarrhea (Source: WebMD)
Hypoglycemia Low blood sugar can be problematic for diabetics simply because it provides a profound sense of lethargy.
Consider these side effects of hypoglycemia.
  • fatigue
  • insomnia
  • mental confusion
  • nervousness
  • mood swings
  • faintness
  • headaches
  • depression
  • phobias
  • heart palpitations
  • a craving for sweets
  • cold hands and feet
  • forgetfulness
  • dizziness
  • blurred vision
  • inner trembling
  • outbursts of temper
  • sudden hunger
  • allergies
  • crying spells
(Source: diabeticlive.
com) The Answer? To keep a balance in your body's blood sugars you will need to use a monitor to gauge where you stand with blood glucose issues.
The Mayo Clinic offers the following reasons to use a glucose meter.
"Glucose meters require that you prick your finger or alternative site and put a drop of blood on a test strip that is inserted into the meter.
Testing regularly allows you to look for patterns to see if your blood glucose is in a safe range.
If not, a change in diet, increase exercise, or a visit to your healthcare provider for medication to lower blood sugar and your risk of complications may be needed.
"Glucose monitoring can also tell you if your blood sugar is too low, a potentially dangerous situation that requires you to eat or drink something with 10-15 grams of carbohydrates.
" (Source: MayoClinic.
org) The Offer At diabetic live we have developed strategic partnerships that allow us to provide a no cost (free) option for managing your blood glucose levels.
As a diabetic you are invited to request a free blood glucose monitor.
WebMD suggests, "Everyone with diabetes should test their blood sugar, or glucose, levels regularly.
Knowing your blood glucose levels allows you to alter your diabetes management strategy if your levels aren't near your target blood glucose.
" We understand that economic conditions have forced many diabetics to struggle with their managed care.
Some are regrettably reducing medication intake and neglecting certain aspects of their care specifically due to costs.
It is our hope that the offer of a free blood glucose meter can provide some much needed help in allowing you stay within your managed goals while keeping your diabetes in balance.
Current technology allows blood glucose meters to be more accurate and less cumbersome than previous models.
We would welcome the opportunity to help you with your diabetes through this free offer.
It only takes a few seconds to complete the online form - and we'll take it from there.
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