Health & Medical Anti Aging

Prevent Face Wrinkles Naturally - A Guide to Safe and Effective Skin Care

In our culture, most individuals don't give a second thought to wrinkles in their skin until they begin to see them in the mirror.
This is a big mistake.
As is the case with any area of health, if you want to prevent face wrinkles the time to take care of your skin is when you are young.
However, if you have reached that time in your life where wrinkles begin forming, and your skin is losing some of its healthy appearance there is still much you can do to help prevent wrinkles.
Probably the most damaging thing for your skin is sun exposure.
Prolonged sun exposure over the years increases free radical activity which greatly decreases the production of collagen and elastin in the skin.
Unfortunately, the skin cannot reverse this damage on its own.
You may have tried various moisturizing creams and lotions to help prevent wrinkles and found that they seem to increase the softness and of the skin, but had little effect on wrinkles.
There are several reasons for this to be the case.
The main reason these products do not prevent face wrinkles is that most skin care products you purchase from the local drug store contain few, if any, ingredients that actually are able to restore health to your skin.
As a matter of fact, they may actually contain harmful ingredients.
Ingredients such as mineral oil, fragrances and alcohols all have a short term pleasant effect on the skin, but in the long run will cause your skin to age more quickly and they will do nothing to help prevent wrinkles.
Mineral oil actually clogs the pores, causing bacteria to become trapped, leading to blemishes and keeping the skin from breathing.
We all like to smell nice, but fragrances are typically made from synthetic chemicals which can lead to allergic reactions and do absolutely nothing to improve our skin's health.
Alcohol is extremely damaging as it removes the protective mantle on the skin.
These natural oils are essential for skin to remain healthy and youthful looking.
If you are serious about finding a way to prevent face wrinkles, you will need to avoid these damaging substances.
In addition to this, look for skin care creams and lotions that contain ingredients that have been proven to rejuvenate the skin.
Cynergy TK, and Phytessence Wakame are two recently developed substances that are extremely effective.
A New Zealand company has found and way to extract the protein, keratin from the wool of sheep and convert it to a functional form.
This skin care ingredient is called Cynergy TK.
It has been shown in both laboratory and clinical studies to increase the production of collagen, filling out the skin and causing wrinkles to diminish.
While it is doing this it is also increasing the body's production of new skin cells as well as elastin.
The result is much healthier skin, both in the deeper layers and on the surface giving it a more youthful appearance.
Phytessence Wakame is the extract of a Japanese sea kelp that is loaded with vitamins and minerals.
By providing the skin with these nutrients, the skin is enabled to heal itself more easily, actually reversing some of the damage caused by sun and environmental exposure.
These two ingredients, when combined with good anti oxidants such as vitamin E and Co-enzyme Q10 are an extremely effective way to prevent face wrinkles.
My website discusses these and other cutting edge ingredients that help prevent wrinkles.
There you have it.
If you have aging skin that is loose and showing wrinkles, or you want to find a way to prevent face wrinkles from ever forming, begin now.
With the recent advancements in skin care science, it really is possible to turn back the clock on the quality of your skin and restore a more youthful appearance.
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