Health & Medical Lose Weight

Happiness on My Weight Camp Loss

Weight camp loss is good for you.
It is not something that you lose and would regret your whole life.
The loss is not something that you would aim to get again.
This is the kind of loss does not lower the value of your effort.
In fact, it is the opposite of that.
And you know that your life will be better from now on because of it.
You have been having weight problems since you were a child and now that you are a teenager you, still with the same problem, you cannot help feeling like a loser.
At this age your life should be enjoyable.
You should have increased the number of friends you have since your were eight.
And maybe even have a girlfriend or two.
But nothing has changed.
You feel like you are still the same person, if not lesser, than you were six years ago.
And to make it worse the boys in your school look different than you are.
Even the girls are prettier.
Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves and seems excited to be in school.
You often wondered why you are different from them.
Until they called you porky and heard the same taunting name being thrown to other kids.
You soon realized that you do have a problem and there are other kids who share the same sentiment as you.
The best thing that happened last summer was your parents enrolling you to summer camp.
You did not want to go because you know that you will be taunted by the kids there again.
That always happens when you go to such camps.
And the downside of it is you are far from home which has always been your comfort zone after school.
You thought your parents never understood and felt like they have abandoned you for insisting you keep going to those summer camps every summer.
They assured you that it is a surprise and that this time it will be different.
So you went.
How glad you were for going.
The minute you stepped out of the bus you were welcomed with a hug and all smiles.
You looked up and saw that you were in a weight loss camp.
The kids look the same way as you during the summer you got to know them.
Everyone take part in their chores and learn about nutrition, dieting and such.
You had so much fun that even the daily exercises were not treated with disdain.
Counselors share morale boosting stories and explained everything to all of us.
Everyone was so friendly and kind and never treated us unfairly.
I am glad I went that summer.
Without knowing I lost weight in the weeks I stayed there.
Now I walk in school with my chest out and my head high.
And I never again thought that my parents never cared.
They showed me how much they did that summer.
My weight camp loss is definitely a loss I will never regret.
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