When opening your own coffee shop, think deeply about the specific neighborhood you are in and methods that might work for you to reach customers. Some of these may be methods other coffee shops, bars, and restaurants have used, and others may occur to you by thinking from the perspective of your customers. Here are two examples of common marketing methods to consider.
Of course, this becomes quite a problem, as many of the banks are consolidating, many have been taken over by the Fed, and many are merely closing branches and locations to stay in business and cut costs during the recession. Having a bank on the property can be difficult when they leave, as the shell of that type of a business building is hard to convert into something else.
Free Samples
Offering free samples on the street or at a separate station within the store can be a simple way to generate excitement and interest in your shop soon after it opens. If you have an exciting signature coffee or drink you can find a way to offer sample size cups, although offering small food items may be simpler.
Lunch itself is still around - in food courts, cafeterias and even park benches at this time of year. But when it comes to one-to-one meetings, "coffee" is at the forefront. There are some practical reasons for this shift to coffee shops. Compared to sorting out a lunch menu, ordering coffee is a breeze; a coffee shop is also neutral territory. When you consider the distractions of lunch at a restaurant, plus the time factor and the cost - this change of venue makes sense. Especially when you're just getting to know someone - rather like a first date.
What took us so long to make the transition?.
No matter what you choose, take care to make sure your exterior design is consistent and attractive. Using a professional designer to handle this or to consult on dos and don'ts can be a great help. The exterior design should have the same feel as the interior design, so that the "promises" made by the look of the street graphics is fulfilled by the environment and services inside your coffee shop.
So, when you realize you've just said; "Nice to meet you," and you meant it - the next step is simple. "How about coffee next week?" That's it. Nice and easy, in less than five minutes, you've made a cappuccino-connection.
Of course, this becomes quite a problem, as many of the banks are consolidating, many have been taken over by the Fed, and many are merely closing branches and locations to stay in business and cut costs during the recession. Having a bank on the property can be difficult when they leave, as the shell of that type of a business building is hard to convert into something else.
Free Samples
Offering free samples on the street or at a separate station within the store can be a simple way to generate excitement and interest in your shop soon after it opens. If you have an exciting signature coffee or drink you can find a way to offer sample size cups, although offering small food items may be simpler.
Lunch itself is still around - in food courts, cafeterias and even park benches at this time of year. But when it comes to one-to-one meetings, "coffee" is at the forefront. There are some practical reasons for this shift to coffee shops. Compared to sorting out a lunch menu, ordering coffee is a breeze; a coffee shop is also neutral territory. When you consider the distractions of lunch at a restaurant, plus the time factor and the cost - this change of venue makes sense. Especially when you're just getting to know someone - rather like a first date.
What took us so long to make the transition?.
No matter what you choose, take care to make sure your exterior design is consistent and attractive. Using a professional designer to handle this or to consult on dos and don'ts can be a great help. The exterior design should have the same feel as the interior design, so that the "promises" made by the look of the street graphics is fulfilled by the environment and services inside your coffee shop.
So, when you realize you've just said; "Nice to meet you," and you meant it - the next step is simple. "How about coffee next week?" That's it. Nice and easy, in less than five minutes, you've made a cappuccino-connection.