Health & Medical Food & Drink

Steak Knives Buyers Guide - All You Need To Know About Buying Steak Knives

Using a steak knife is an absolute must when eating steak.
If you've ever tried to eat steak using good quality steak knife you know exactly how true that is.
When you're trying to enjoy a meal, you don't want to be involved in a battle with your steak, and choosing a good steak knife will ensure that it cuts smoothly, and easily.
If you've ever been at someone's house having a steak dinner without proper steak knives, you know that trying to eat the main dish without the proper cutting utensil can even be embarrassing.
Tips for Buying Steak Knives A steak knife supplements your everyday silverware.
Just like you need a set of forks and spoons, you need a set of steak knives.
Typically, they come in sets of four.
This might work for a family of four who never have dinner guests, but if you commonly have guests over for grilling steaks, you want to be sure you have enough for everybody.
So you'll want to get multiple sets, or a set that has enough to serve everyone at your largest gathering.
Secondly, you want to make sure the brand you are choosing actually makes the best steak knives.
Some knives are more user friendly than others, more ergonomically designed, and simply more attractive than the rest.
Reading up on feedback from people who have purchased the set you're considering can help you understand what you can actually expect from that particular knife.
Which knife you choose is important because you're paying a lot for high quality steaks, and you want only the best steak knives to ensure the most satisfying meal possible.
Features of Steak Knives All steak knives feature the serrated edge, but not all of them are of the same calibre.
The best steak knives don't wrestle with you - they cut your steak like butter.
They will also have a full tang, which is the piece of metal that runs through the knife and connects the handle to the blade securely.
A full tang adds strength and helps balance a knife.
Steak knives also have handles made of high quality hard woods, like walnut.
Triple compression brass rivets securely hold the tang in place.
High carbon stainless steel is a good choice of material for a steak knife, because the higher carbon content makes for a stronger knife.
Caring for your Knives Most knives are pretty durable, but because most of them feature wooden handles, even if they're dishwasher safe, you probably don't want to wash them that way because of the steam in the dishwasher.
Make sure the wooden handle doesn't stay submerged in water for long.
That's not to say you have to treat them all too delicately but over time sitting in water for extended periods of soaking will cause the wood to split and eventually rot after too many extended soaking sessions.
If you do choose to wash them in the dishwasher, as with any other knives, you don't want to put them blade up.
The pointed tip could jab you as you're reaching in to unload the dishwasher.
You also will do well to buy a set that comes in a case or a butchers block, because keeping them together in a drawer can not only cut you when you're reaching into the drawer, but can also damage the knives themselves.
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