- 1). Rinse the tuna under the cold tap to remove any trace of viscera and pat dry with a kitchen towel.
- 2). Place the whole fish on its side on a flat surface or cutting board.
- 3). Cut across the fish starting from the head, making steaks that are 1 inch in thickness.
- 4). Cut through the backbone by placing your blade on it and banging the knife down with a mallet or similar.
- 5). Cut steaks all the way down to the tail, until you can't cut anymore. There will be a piece of bone in the middle of each steak, which is the backbone, and this is connected to the rib cage bones. Slice between the fish and the backbone with the knife and remove it, along with the rib bones.
- 6). Remove any small bones with tweezers or needle nose pliers. Once you've removed the visible bones, feel around with your fingers for any other bones and take those out too. Tuna fish do not have a large quantity of small bones, so this step is easy.