Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Outsmart Your Allergies!

What is an allergy? An allergy is an inappropriate reaction by your immune system.
The basic job of your immune system is to identify harmful foreign substances, such as viruses and bacteria, and get rid of them before they make you sick.
The immune system does this by creating antibodies to combat these foreign invaders.
If you have been diagnosed with allergies it is a result most likely of your immune system being overly sensitive.
Consequently it reacts inappropriately by producing antibodies against harmless substances.
These substances, known as allergens include but are not limited to, pollens, mold spores, animal dander, dust mites, or even foods or drugs.
The burning question to be answered is "why", "why" does the immune system overreact to everyday substances in some people but not in others? The scientific underlying belief is that there are special antibodies called IgE (immunoglobulin E) which are key players in an allergic reaction.
Scientists believe that these so-called antibodies are "left over" from prehistoric times.
Way back when they were needed to help destroy, combat or contain parasitic infections.
Everyone makes or produces IgE, but allergic individuals have inherited the tendency to mage large quantities of it in response to one or more substances that are inappropriately recognized by the immune system as being foreign.
This excessive production of antibodies triggers a release of chemicals that can cause the physical changes and symptoms associated with allergies.
Some of those symptoms are: coughing, dark circles under the eyes, throat or palate itching, itchy nose, eyes and skin, repeated sneezing attacks, or frequent clearing of the throat.
However, let me note that in some people these allergic reactions can be life threatening and nothing to "sneeze" at.
With all of that said and placed down for consumption let me explain how the mind connection to allergies can happen.
First of all, if you read the above carefully you might note that I stated that individuals have a "tendency" to make large quantities of IgE.
The key here is "tendency", there is no one "born" with allergies, you can only "inherit the tendency" to develop them.
If one can only inherit the ability to develop allergies then there must be an emotional reason that some people have allergies while others do not.
In fact, my research shows that allergies are more prevalent to children.
Allergies have a direct connection with our thoughts...
in this case; the question is do we live in a safe and friendly world? If you are a child and you are just beginning to spread your wings and test the Universe it is very possible that you in fact DO NOT believe that the "world is a safe and friendly place.
" Further, if you have a specific reaction to the allergen then you very possibly have other emotional connections that are your underlying triggers.
In most cases, with the use of Hypnotherapy you can heal the underlying causation of the allergy.
For example, if your reaction to an allergen ends you up with itchy eyes, you might ask yourself, "what don't I want to see?" if the reaction is coughing you might ask yourself, "am I left out of things a lot or does no one listen to me?" These are just a couple of examples of the mind and body connection.
Studies have shown that allergies tend to run in families.
For me this further supports the belief that our behaviors and thoughts can cause our illnesses.
If mom or dad always react a specific way in a particular situation their children will learn the same response.
Hence, the resulting behavior can elicit an unhealthy thought process and can open a door to illness.
It only stands to reason that if mom has it then so should the children.
I can not tell you folks how often clients tell me that they have an illness and I ask, "who else in your family has it?" They respond, "my mom, my aunt, my cousin, etc.
" We seem to accept that if dad has heart disease so will I.
It is time for a new way of thinking! My belief is that the natural state of the body is homeostasis, perfect health and balance.
It is only out of balance due to some misunderstanding in the subconscious mind.
If you can put yourself into a relaxed state and affirm, "as I think so shall I be" you can begin to heal yourself.
Through the hypnotic process you can correct the misunderstood information and make yourself well! HAPPY SPRING! With light, Dr.
Karen Frank aka the Bumble Bee lady
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