Winning Conversation Topics with Women
Talking is such an easy thing to do. You do it everyday. But, having a conversation with a woman seems to be a difficult task for a lot of men. If you find that you're one of those men, this article is for you.
Statistically speaking, women talk anywhere from three to four times more than a man. The easiest way to overcome verbal inertia is to start out by asking questions. In particular, questions about her. Does she like animals? What's her job like? Where did she go to school? What's her favorite movie? These kind of questions will get her to open up and talk. This will help you both to feel more comfortable.
As you begin to get her talk about herself don't forget to share about yourself. She's interested in you, too, or she wouldn't be with you. Just don't share information that may be too intimate. I.E. No talk of surgeries or scars, problems with your mother, or your finances. These are a huge turnoff for most women.
Learn to actively listen. When she's talking, look at her eyes, lean forward slightly, be relaxed in your body language. These all will tell her that you're interested in what she's saying.
If your brave enough, ask her opinion about a topic that's current. It doesn't need to be a controversial topic, just something that's of interest at the time. If you should find yourself in a heated conversation about politics, religion, or some other topic that potentially a date breaker, make sure that you're honest, but don't confront. You're out to have a good time, not change her opinion.
Humor is one of the best tools in any conversation. Try being a little silly. Nothing over-the-top, just humorous. Be a bit of a flirt. Relax and have fun in your conversations with women. They will, when interested, have a fun with you, too.
Enjoy the time you are having with your date. You'll find that any date is more fun when you take the time to:
* Ask questions
* Share about yourself
* Actively listen
* Ask her opinion
* Relax and have fun.
Have a great time!
Watch FREE hidden camera pickup videos and discover
how to approach, meet and get dates with attractive
women at the shopping mall, the park, even the street!
Talking is such an easy thing to do. You do it everyday. But, having a conversation with a woman seems to be a difficult task for a lot of men. If you find that you're one of those men, this article is for you.
Statistically speaking, women talk anywhere from three to four times more than a man. The easiest way to overcome verbal inertia is to start out by asking questions. In particular, questions about her. Does she like animals? What's her job like? Where did she go to school? What's her favorite movie? These kind of questions will get her to open up and talk. This will help you both to feel more comfortable.
As you begin to get her talk about herself don't forget to share about yourself. She's interested in you, too, or she wouldn't be with you. Just don't share information that may be too intimate. I.E. No talk of surgeries or scars, problems with your mother, or your finances. These are a huge turnoff for most women.
Learn to actively listen. When she's talking, look at her eyes, lean forward slightly, be relaxed in your body language. These all will tell her that you're interested in what she's saying.
If your brave enough, ask her opinion about a topic that's current. It doesn't need to be a controversial topic, just something that's of interest at the time. If you should find yourself in a heated conversation about politics, religion, or some other topic that potentially a date breaker, make sure that you're honest, but don't confront. You're out to have a good time, not change her opinion.
Humor is one of the best tools in any conversation. Try being a little silly. Nothing over-the-top, just humorous. Be a bit of a flirt. Relax and have fun in your conversations with women. They will, when interested, have a fun with you, too.
Enjoy the time you are having with your date. You'll find that any date is more fun when you take the time to:
* Ask questions
* Share about yourself
* Actively listen
* Ask her opinion
* Relax and have fun.
Have a great time!
Watch FREE hidden camera pickup videos and discover
how to approach, meet and get dates with attractive
women at the shopping mall, the park, even the street!