Everybody wants good fresh content. But what can you do with it once you have it? Content is often wasted by being used in the wrong place or in the wrong format. On the other hand, most content is able to be adjusted, expanded on and combined with other contents to form new products. Too often articles or reports are left as they are when they could be adapted to create new material.
1 White paper or report. Make it special content and look at a common or particularly difficult problem but with a new or personal twist to it.
2 Ecourse. Send a free ecourse through your autoresponder with content relevant to your subscribers and customers. This could be short or long, and might even end up as a membership with monthly payments. This is where articles and blog posts can be used, for example, by simply stringing the subject matter together in the right order to create an informative course. Plenty of articles sitting on hard drives could be put to work again in a different form
3 Blog posts. Write a number of posts on one issue, developing, explaining it and maybe giving your own solution. Keep it keyworded round that issue.
4 Webinar. Set up a webinar as an interview, discussion or with you talking. The recording can then be used as content too.
5 CD. Put your content on CD or DVD as explanatory information or as a course of how to or step by step instructions and demonstrations.
6 Membership. If you have enough relevant and wanted content, or can have it produced on a regular basis, then place it in a regular membership. You can have levels to more or higher quality content.
7 Recording. Publish a regular audio or video of tips or solutions to basic and burning problems of your subscribers and customers.
1 White paper or report. Make it special content and look at a common or particularly difficult problem but with a new or personal twist to it.
2 Ecourse. Send a free ecourse through your autoresponder with content relevant to your subscribers and customers. This could be short or long, and might even end up as a membership with monthly payments. This is where articles and blog posts can be used, for example, by simply stringing the subject matter together in the right order to create an informative course. Plenty of articles sitting on hard drives could be put to work again in a different form
3 Blog posts. Write a number of posts on one issue, developing, explaining it and maybe giving your own solution. Keep it keyworded round that issue.
4 Webinar. Set up a webinar as an interview, discussion or with you talking. The recording can then be used as content too.
5 CD. Put your content on CD or DVD as explanatory information or as a course of how to or step by step instructions and demonstrations.
6 Membership. If you have enough relevant and wanted content, or can have it produced on a regular basis, then place it in a regular membership. You can have levels to more or higher quality content.
7 Recording. Publish a regular audio or video of tips or solutions to basic and burning problems of your subscribers and customers.