Many of us, especially women, worry about losing that healthy, youthful "glow" as we get older.
The amount of money we spend on skin creams and such is incredible - considering that the result is never quite as expected: we still get old and the glow disappears with youth.
But do they really walk hand in hand? Not necessarily...
Though youth will always fade, the "glow" can stay around for much longer--if you know the secrets and live by them.
Interested? I know you are.
Let's look at each of the 5 secrets to a healthy, glowing appearance.
First, be cheerful.
People with cheerful dispositions show fewer signs of aging than people who are generally depressed.
That doesn't mean you should wear a permanent (and insincere) grin.
No! The joy should be genuine.
Look around you and find things life that you can really smile about.
Think there isn't anything? Look again.
The next secret is drink water.
Oh yes, I know what you're thinking.
"Pardon me, but I hate water.
Couldn't fruit juice work? Or Pepsi?" No.
Nearly all liquids require processing, except water, which cleanses everything.
Up your water intake and you'll have thinner blood, better digestion, healthier hair and nails, fewer blemishes and a clearer complexion.
Think it's tasteless? Take it with a few drops of lemon juice.
That reminds me.
The third secret is to eat healthy.
No amount of makeup will do the trick.
The real you will still be there when you wash it off, probably looking worse each time.
It's like a wall with mold problems.
How would you fix it? With a quick paint job or a thorough mold eradication technique? Best to not take the "quick paint job" approach.
Fix the problem from the inside out.
It's really simple! Cut back on the carbohydrates and proteins, and get in a lot more fruits, whole grains and veggies in your diet.
You can't just eat though, or else you'll create a weight problem.
Keeping fit is the fourth secret.
It's one thing to eat right, but if you're glued to the TV or PC for most of the day, the results will be less-than-optimal.
The solution? Get moving! You see, the little kids have this secret down pat.
They're always running about, much to the annoyance of their parents and older siblings.
Rather than get annoyed, why not join them? Cut out some time in your schedule for active exercise.
There are many kinds, so you won't be bored.
Walking, jogging, lifting weights, gardening, swimming, playing ball.
Get in touch with the child in you.
No need to lose that as you wrinkle.
Wait, speaking of wrinkles...
there's one more secret you need to know.
You need to actually take care of your skin to avoid them.
"But that's obvious...
" you say.
Well yes, but so is the fact that chocolate is fattening.
Taking care of your skin means remembering to keep it clean.
A daily shower is essential, and the colder you can take it, the better.
Also, wash your face at least once a day--more if you have oily skin.
Start off with warm or tepid water, then finish off cold.
That will close up your pores and leave your skin looking smoother and much younger.
That alone will do you a world of good, but if you feel the need to use a facial scrub now and again, do so! So there you have it...
5 Secrets to a Healthy Glow.
Willing to give it a try? Go ahead! You've got nothing to lose, and a radiant look to gain.
The amount of money we spend on skin creams and such is incredible - considering that the result is never quite as expected: we still get old and the glow disappears with youth.
But do they really walk hand in hand? Not necessarily...
Though youth will always fade, the "glow" can stay around for much longer--if you know the secrets and live by them.
Interested? I know you are.
Let's look at each of the 5 secrets to a healthy, glowing appearance.
First, be cheerful.
People with cheerful dispositions show fewer signs of aging than people who are generally depressed.
That doesn't mean you should wear a permanent (and insincere) grin.
No! The joy should be genuine.
Look around you and find things life that you can really smile about.
Think there isn't anything? Look again.
The next secret is drink water.
Oh yes, I know what you're thinking.
"Pardon me, but I hate water.
Couldn't fruit juice work? Or Pepsi?" No.
Nearly all liquids require processing, except water, which cleanses everything.
Up your water intake and you'll have thinner blood, better digestion, healthier hair and nails, fewer blemishes and a clearer complexion.
Think it's tasteless? Take it with a few drops of lemon juice.
That reminds me.
The third secret is to eat healthy.
No amount of makeup will do the trick.
The real you will still be there when you wash it off, probably looking worse each time.
It's like a wall with mold problems.
How would you fix it? With a quick paint job or a thorough mold eradication technique? Best to not take the "quick paint job" approach.
Fix the problem from the inside out.
It's really simple! Cut back on the carbohydrates and proteins, and get in a lot more fruits, whole grains and veggies in your diet.
You can't just eat though, or else you'll create a weight problem.
Keeping fit is the fourth secret.
It's one thing to eat right, but if you're glued to the TV or PC for most of the day, the results will be less-than-optimal.
The solution? Get moving! You see, the little kids have this secret down pat.
They're always running about, much to the annoyance of their parents and older siblings.
Rather than get annoyed, why not join them? Cut out some time in your schedule for active exercise.
There are many kinds, so you won't be bored.
Walking, jogging, lifting weights, gardening, swimming, playing ball.
Get in touch with the child in you.
No need to lose that as you wrinkle.
Wait, speaking of wrinkles...
there's one more secret you need to know.
You need to actually take care of your skin to avoid them.
"But that's obvious...
" you say.
Well yes, but so is the fact that chocolate is fattening.
Taking care of your skin means remembering to keep it clean.
A daily shower is essential, and the colder you can take it, the better.
Also, wash your face at least once a day--more if you have oily skin.
Start off with warm or tepid water, then finish off cold.
That will close up your pores and leave your skin looking smoother and much younger.
That alone will do you a world of good, but if you feel the need to use a facial scrub now and again, do so! So there you have it...
5 Secrets to a Healthy Glow.
Willing to give it a try? Go ahead! You've got nothing to lose, and a radiant look to gain.