At some point in every relationship, a single woman always starts wondering if her boyfriend will commit to marrying her. It can be difficult to gauge what is going on in your boyfriend's mind and most men aren't going to come right out and tell you. Men tend to internalize everything and they will go over a situation repeatedly in their minds long before they get around to saying anything to the women in their lives. Even so, you can judge by your boyfriend's actions whether he is ready to commit because a man's actions really do speak louder than words.
Pay close attention to how he says things. A man who isn't interested in commitment will talk in terms of himself. He'll say things with "me" or "I." When he's talking about next week, month, or even five years in the future, he'll still use "I" and "me." A man who is seriously considering popping the question will speak about the future in terms of "us" and "we." He will also talk more about the future and when he says things in terms of the two of you, you can be sure he's picturing a future together with you.
Many men want a stable career and a good place to live before they think about getting married and starting a family of their own. If your boyfriend starts talking about getting more education in order to move up in his company, he might be thinking about how he'll end up needing more money. He is likely considering a bigger commitment to you. He also is probably considering commitment if he starts talking about needing to find a bigger apartment or suddenly wants to find a nice house. If he asks what you think about a new place you should be pleased, because he's thinking about you living there with him and he wants it to be suitable for you too.
Pay close attention to how he says things. A man who isn't interested in commitment will talk in terms of himself. He'll say things with "me" or "I." When he's talking about next week, month, or even five years in the future, he'll still use "I" and "me." A man who is seriously considering popping the question will speak about the future in terms of "us" and "we." He will also talk more about the future and when he says things in terms of the two of you, you can be sure he's picturing a future together with you.
Many men want a stable career and a good place to live before they think about getting married and starting a family of their own. If your boyfriend starts talking about getting more education in order to move up in his company, he might be thinking about how he'll end up needing more money. He is likely considering a bigger commitment to you. He also is probably considering commitment if he starts talking about needing to find a bigger apartment or suddenly wants to find a nice house. If he asks what you think about a new place you should be pleased, because he's thinking about you living there with him and he wants it to be suitable for you too.