11. Indulge in Poetry, an Irish National Habit
Poetry's half a national pastime, or at least a huge part of Ireland's cultural heritage. So, to celebrate the day, you can read Yeats. Or Joyce.
Or a Brooklynite....
From website of scholar-writer Daniel Tobin, who grew up in Bay Ridge Brooklyn and is author of Awake in America, which he describes as "the first comprehensive study of Irish American poetry ever published,"....which "seeks to establish a conversation between Irish and Irish American literature that challenges many of the long-accepted boundaries between the two."
"Our four-room flat was five blocks from Shore Road and the white-capped harbor with its newly risen bridge, named for the Italian explorer, Verazzano, the first European to pilot his boat up the strait. It was before Third Avenue in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn had become the acoustic for car alarms and late-night club-goers, and the likely streetwalkers at that hour were men like my father—or my father himself on a Friday night after poker and drinks with his cronies—making their way home to their wives and families, maybe a little wavery in the glow of whiskey and cigars, two if not three sheets to the wind.--
The Need for Routes--Genealogy and Irish American Poetry”, A. Tobin.
Or if you're in search of poetic community, go to Berl's Poetry Shop in DUMBO.More »
12. Curl Up with a Kindle (or a Book)& An Irish Author
Give yourself a treat. Settle in with a good Irish storyteller. Here's a list of some Classic Irish authors. If James Joyce or Oscar Wilde are too steep a climb, then read Frankk McCourt, the Brooklyn-born, award-winning author.
13. Save the Date: Irish Heritage Night at the Brooklyn Cyclones
Every summer, mid-season, the Brooklyn Cyclones baseball team celebrates Irish Heritage night. For fun, there's a presentation of a jersey with a green shamrock, and lots of other fun. Find out when and where here.How to Get Cyclones Tickets.More »
14. Make This The Year You Learn Irish Dancing
There are a couple of places in Brooklyn to learn traditional Irish dancing, for instance the Donny Golden School of Dance, run by a nationally acclaimed dancer teacher. Learn more.More »
15. Hear Irish Music
Bargemusic, the classical music venue that's on a renovated historic barge in the middle of the East River, in DUMBO, sometimes offers an alternative to St. Patrick's Day chaos in the city: a concert. In 2013, for instance, they showcase Celtic and American folk musician Ashley Davis and Irish harp virtuoso Cormac De Barra in honor of St. Pat's.More »16. Join a Brooklyn Irish Online Community, Read the Irish Echo
Want to discuss all things Irish? Or Irish politics? You can read the newspaper The Irish Echo. Or, join a local online community at http://brooklynirish.com/. It's deeply political, and you might as well be in Dublin. "Republicans," in this case, don't refer to the party of John McCain et al. For instance, in Feb 2014, here was first paragraph of the lead article:
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The disclosures made in John Downey’s case could have altered the
course of Gerry McGeough’s trial or appeal, according to his legal
team, as the evidence presented at the Old Bailey could have confirmed
that 216 “pardons” had been issued to republicans.