Health & Medical Anti Aging

How HGH Secretagogues Function to Help Longevity

When it was first discovered that injected Human Growth Hormone, also known as somatotropin, could indeed cause growth stunted children to grow to a more normal size, much scientific work went into how to introduce HGH without the need for injection.
It was quickly recognized that the large size and fragile nature of the molecule made oral supplementation impossible.
50% of the cells in the anterior pituitary are capable of producing HGH, making it the most abundant hormone the pituitary produces.
Research revealed that the pituitary gland was quite capable of producing adequate amounts of Growth Hormone even in elderly people who had a growth hormone deficiency.
Although it is not clearly understood, there apparently is a feed back mechanism that governs the hormone production of the pituitary.
By utilizing certain amino acid combinations along with other developed proprietary ingredients, the feed back mechanism is over ridden and the pituitary can be stimulated to function as if it were in a younger state.
Once the growth hormone has been secreted it only remains in the blood stream for a very short period of time and is taken up in the liver and transformed into IGF-1.
(Insulin-like Growth Factor also known as somatomedin C.
) It is the IGF-1 that is responsible for the beneficial effects as have been observed for the HGH.
One of the easily observed major actions of the HGH is the manner in which it affects fat cells.
The IGF-1 binds to the receptors of the fat cell.
Once bonded, the IGF-1 causes the fat cell to break down triglyceride and retards the cell's ability to accumulate circulating lipids thereby preventing fat storage.
This same type effect is responsible for muscle growth.
It stimulates both the differentiation and proliferation of muscle cells.
It stimulates amino acid uptake and synthesizes protein in muscle and other tissues.
In this manner HGH can influence overall muscle and skin tone.
It is easy to see how someone might consider the use of HGH increase longevity.
Human Growth Hormone has important effects on: 1) HGH causes increased amino acid uptake, increased protein synthesis and decreased oxidation of proteins.
2) HGH lowers your body's ability to store fat.
3) HGH helps to maintain blood sugar within a normal range.
As you can see, the absents of HGH affects the maintenance of muscle tone.
Without HGH fat accumulates in the body and resists metabolism.
Low levels of HGH cause the deterioration of hair, skin, and nails; all of which are composed of proteins.
Scientists now believe that HGH plays a role in most healthy body functions, including sexual, proper digestion, liver, bowels, and the total glandular systems.
Regardless of the manner in which HGH interacts with the various cells of the body, research shows it is absolutely essential for youthful vigor and good health.
In the past, injected HGH supplementation has been so expensive as to preclude being used by anyone that was not very wealthy.
Over the last twenty years, with thousands of world wide research trials the benefits can no longer be denied.
With this long list of proven benefits scientist all over the world have been working on combinations of amino acids and other proprietary ingredients that will stimulate the pituitary to increase the body's own Human Growth Hormone production.
Although the original work on HGH was done using the injected molecule, the research did indeed establish higher concentrations of HGH in the body generated a list of benefits.
By providing these levels of HGH by stimulating the pituitary gland to produce similar concentrations, similar benefits are obtained.
These stimulating products have become known as secretagogues.
These secretagogues have a proven capability of increasing the body's HGH levels and therefore have comparable beneficial effects as the injected HGH.
The HGH goes into your body just as nature intended.
In other words, the body receives its HGH through the glandular system just as it did when you were younger.
For more information on the most popular secretagogues being offered on the internet, go to our website as shown in our Bio.
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