- 1). Log into your Google AdSense account. After login you will be directed to the main AdSense page where you are likely to see summary information including estimated earnings, recent traffic information and links to additional resources and reports. If your account is new, statistics generation may take a day or two after AdSense code has been added to your site.
- 2). Find the section titled "Performance Reports". This section is where you will find all the information you will need to track and manage your AdSense campaigns.
- 3). Locate the navigation links on the left side of the page. These links allow you to view your statistical data by day, week, month, and by various other categories as well, such as by specific ad unit, ad size, or custom channels you have already defined in AdSense.
- 4). View statistics for page views, clicks, and Page CTR (click through rate). These are the primary benchmark statistics you will want to track.
- 5). Gather statistics for clicks and page views for a period of time. If you are gathering statistics by month, collect several months' worth of data. Using a spreadsheet application, enter the monthly data in a way that allows you to view each month in chronological order.
- 6). Analyze the trends of your data by viewing from oldest to newest. If possible, create a graph that allows you to chart your numbers visually. This makes viewing trends easier. Healthy statistics will show upward movement, indicating that page views and clicks on paid advertising links are rising.
- 7). Review the CTR for the collected time periods. The CTR allows you to analyze page views and clicks together. The higher this number is the greater your AdSense success. Follow the trend of this number for the collected period. There may be ups and downs, not every period needs to show increased rates. However, the overall trend should be an upward climb.
- 8). Consider the analysis of each statistic collectively. If one statistic seems to be improving but another is lagging, determine what might be the cause. For instance, if page views are increasing but your clicks are going down, consider moving the ad to another spot on the web page. Positions at the top of the page will get the best visibility. Once you have considered all the data as a whole you can begin to make an assessment about their overall success, helping you make improvements where necessary to improve monetary effectiveness.