Health & Medical Lose Weight

How To Get Skinny Eating Saturated Fat!

Yes, this is a true statement! You can get lean if you consume the right kind of fat.
For decades doctors have been saying that saturated fat is bad for you and leads to a variety of diseases.
However, there is one saturated fat that is good for you...
coconut oil! People in the tropics have been using coconut oil and coconut cream for centuries.
Coconuts are a traditional staple in their diet and are consumed on a daily basis.
They are used as a food and a medicine.
Instead of getting fat, it helps them stay healthy, lean and trim.
Farmers discovered this secret in the 1940's.
Farmers were feeding their livestock coconuts in an attempt to fatten them up.
It back-fired, the animals became lean and active.
Not surprisingly, when livestock are fed vegetable oils, like corn and soy, they actually became sluggish, put on weight, and produced fatty meat.
Coconut oil is made up of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA's) and is 90% raw saturated fat - a rare and important building block in our cells! Unlike other fats, most of the oil gets metabolized during digestion without putting excessive processing demands on the gall bladder and liver.
The body converts coconut fat into energy immediately since it cannot be stored as fat.
This conversion creates heat and turns up you inner furnace thus increasing your metabolism! Because it boosts your metabolism, you can burn fat more quickly.
In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, MCFA's burn three times more calories for six hours after a meal than long-chain fatty acids found in meat (saturated fat) and vegetable oils.
Because of the healthy Omega 3 MCFA's and the fact that it increases the metabolism, most people that switch to coconut oil from other sources of saturated fat, like butter, feel a burst of added energy in their daily life.
Coconut oil is nature's richest source of medium-chain fatty acids which increase metabolic rates and lead to weight loss.
MCFA's essentially promote thermogenesis, which increases the body's metabolism, thus producing energy.
So next time you're at the grocery store, pick up a bottle of coconut oil - you can cook with it, use it in place of butter on toast, slather it on your skin as lotion, add it to your protein shake or smoothie! The recommended use is 2-4 tablespoons per day.
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