A calm acceptance Picture this scenario.
You have undergone numerous training schemes and have done all the terrible training that there is and have done all manner of unspeakable diets to the extent that you never want to hear the word mentioned again.
Yet still the six pack abs have failed to materialize.
You are still as rotund as ever, if that is possible and are hoping against hope that no one will notice that you have failed.
You start making up the normal excuses such as the faulty genes or the unrealistic targets that you set yourself but the hard hitting truth is that you have lost that battle.
This article aims to give you a rather flippant coping mechanism to be able to take this finality of defeat with some measure of dignity.
You have to remember that you are not the first and you will certainly not be the last person to fail to get the six pack abs body.
There will be many people who have traveled the road that you have travelled and many of them will have failed.
You need to ensure that you do not despair because of this set back.
If you look at the totality of humanity you will realize that the vast majority of them do not have six pack abs at all.
There are only a few lucky ones who are able to count this among their blessings.
Not being able to have the ideal body shape should not discourage you from keeping a healthy lifestyle.
You should always seek ways to ensure that your lifestyle matches your aspirations.
You may not achieve everything that you set out to do but as long as you have a fairly reasonable attitude to your work and you feel that you have given it your best shot, there is no reason why you cannot move on after failing to make the six pack abs test.
What I normally advise people to do is to set more realistic goals within their means to see whether they are capable of achieving stuff even after the set back of not achieving their ideal.
If you have not been able to achieve the six pack abs at this time, why not start at a lower base and work yourself back to a position whereby you are a serious contender for the six pack prize once again.
I do not encourage a fatalistic approach but one that is routed in the ability to learn from your mistakes and move on to the next level of your personal development.
I am aware that people will have their own individual plans that are unique to them.
You have undergone numerous training schemes and have done all the terrible training that there is and have done all manner of unspeakable diets to the extent that you never want to hear the word mentioned again.
Yet still the six pack abs have failed to materialize.
You are still as rotund as ever, if that is possible and are hoping against hope that no one will notice that you have failed.
You start making up the normal excuses such as the faulty genes or the unrealistic targets that you set yourself but the hard hitting truth is that you have lost that battle.
This article aims to give you a rather flippant coping mechanism to be able to take this finality of defeat with some measure of dignity.
You have to remember that you are not the first and you will certainly not be the last person to fail to get the six pack abs body.
There will be many people who have traveled the road that you have travelled and many of them will have failed.
You need to ensure that you do not despair because of this set back.
If you look at the totality of humanity you will realize that the vast majority of them do not have six pack abs at all.
There are only a few lucky ones who are able to count this among their blessings.
Not being able to have the ideal body shape should not discourage you from keeping a healthy lifestyle.
You should always seek ways to ensure that your lifestyle matches your aspirations.
You may not achieve everything that you set out to do but as long as you have a fairly reasonable attitude to your work and you feel that you have given it your best shot, there is no reason why you cannot move on after failing to make the six pack abs test.
What I normally advise people to do is to set more realistic goals within their means to see whether they are capable of achieving stuff even after the set back of not achieving their ideal.
If you have not been able to achieve the six pack abs at this time, why not start at a lower base and work yourself back to a position whereby you are a serious contender for the six pack prize once again.
I do not encourage a fatalistic approach but one that is routed in the ability to learn from your mistakes and move on to the next level of your personal development.
I am aware that people will have their own individual plans that are unique to them.