Cabled Phone Cozy
This cute and useful cable phone cozy is perfect for pocket PC phones like the At&T Tilt or even the iPhone. It's easily customizable to fit your Blackberry or other PDA as well.
This cute and useful cable phone cozy is perfect for pocket PC phones like the At&T Tilt or even the iPhone. It's easily customizable to fit your Blackberry or other PDA as well.
Sell your minivan or SUV and buy a hybrid. And while you're at it, have solar panels installed on your roof for an alternate energy source. Make your own clothing out of hemp grown in your own backyard, hydrated by water you've been collecting in rain barrels. Go ahead, I'll wait. Let
No one really likes going. The many providing and also having to wrap, the transfer, the particular storage space... there are numerous tasks linked to going, and also a substantial expense. So that you can ...
You should never ignore regular carpet cleaning. However, it is difficult to accomplish such tasks yourself, especially if you have a busy schedules, and the floors of your entire house is carpeted."/
For over 50 years, Pasadena area volunteers have donated their talents and time to raise money for arts programs in the community. Read about the 2008 Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts and see a slide show of the beautiful space created by local designers.
Browse through the paintings in the gallery for this project, the challenge of which is to extract and convey the essence of an urban scene, producing a painting that is an abstraction.
With spiraling costs of electricity and with the recent change in leadership in the US it is about time that the powers that be took steps to ensure that cheaper, more effective and safer as well as environmentally friendlier options are considered. In this regard wind power is one of the most promi
Three easy methods to use to wrap a wire armature to create a doll's body.
What is the most cost effective way of building stairs? Why do the tract homes use on site methods of construction? When you think of a factory assembling a product on a assembly line you think why not a home. Why do they still build homes on lots or residential home sites?
Make older homes energy efficient by adding insulation to the walls and roofing. There are several options available for such homes to become compliant with newer laws.
The Eastern part of the world has been a place that has been closely associated with wonderful cultures and also significant amounts of mystery. There is a true aura of mystery that surrounds the Eastern ...
Explore the top 10 feng shui crystals and see what your home or office might be missing! Info on how to use feng shui crystals, as well as where to buy them is also here for you.
"Small Solar Panels Source" System is probably any household's dream - saying goodbye to these irritating and expensive electric-bills. You may be surprised but this technique requires no more than a weekend to get it done. Read this article right now and find out more about how we ca
A review of Lemax's Purple Lights from the Lemax Spooky Town Accessories
Are you wondering what FSOT means? Find out in the Sweepstakes Glossary from Contests.
Star Wars Legacy Collection R2D2 Action Figure
The Body Dimension of Thigh Clearance as it Relates to Anthropometrics
Stitch this simple Oval Bubbles needlepoint pattern in just 6 bright, funky colors.
A full book review and 5 star rating from your About Guides to Saltwater Aquariums on The New Marine Aquarium: Step-By-Step Set Up and Stocking Guide by Michael S. Paletta. This is a book we highly recommend not only for beginners, but one that would be a valuable resource for any saltwater aquarist
Learn how to raise heritage or standard turkeys from day-old poults into delicious birds for the table - or as pets. From feeding and watering to how to range them, you'll find out everything you need to know about raising turkeys.