Pick Your Crystals and Stones
Wondering which crystals to bring into your home or office? Or to use in your good feng shui jewelry? Start with our list of 10 most popular crystals and see which ones you like the best. From amethyst to pyrite, each one of those crystals and stones will bring not only beauty, but also specific healing energies.
Let's start with the Clear Quartz Crystal
Clear Quartz
Compare Prices for Clear Quartz Crystals
A clear quartz crystal, especially a crystal that is really clear/transparent and has happy rainbows inside it, is an absolute joy to look at! The clear quartz crystal comes in many forms - from tumbled rocks and small points to impressive big clusters and generators. You can also find many carvings made of clear quartz and of course, clear quartz jewelry. More about Clear Quartz
Next: Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz
Compare Prices for Rose Quartz Crystals
Rose quartz is one of the most popular crystals in healing, jewelry, as well as feng shui. Famous for attracting and keeping love, rose quartz is also used when it comes to healing one's heart from pain and disappointment. You can find all sorts of feng shui adornments made from rose quarts, especially in feng shui for love cures. Rose quartz is inexpensive and easy to find.
More about Rose Quartz
Next: Amethyst
Compare Prices for Amethyst Crystals
Amethyst crystal is unique among all crystals in its popularity, as well as affordability. Mother nature has been generous with the wealth of available amethyst which makes it affordable to choose it for your home, office, garden and even your car! One of the most popular uses of amethyst is in a cluster or tall geode, as well as tumbled rock form. The deeper and more intense is the purple colour of the amethyst, the higher the price.
More about Amethyst
Next: Jade
Compare Prices for Jade Feng Shui Items
Jade seems to be the most popular choice when it comes to various carvings used as feng shui cures. Jade is also much loved in various jewelry pieces - from beads to bracelets and rings. Jade carries a sweet, light and nourishing energy that can feel very healing. It has a soothing purity about it, and it goes about purifying your energy field in a very accepting, loving, wise kind of way.
More about Jade
Next: Citrine
Compare Prices for Citrine Crystals
Citrine contains a solar quality of energy, this is why it is traditionally considered a good healing crystal for the solar plexus/third chakra issues. It can help strengthen self-esteem and a positive, vibrant flow of energy in and around one's body. Citrine is also considered helpful in improving digestion and strengthening one's one's physical endurance. More about Citrine
Next: Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz
Compare Prices for Smoky Quartz
The popularity of the smoky quartz crystal is due not only to its gorgeous look, but also to its affordability and the energy it provides. Grounding in an uplifting kind of way, the smoky quartz also provides a subtle energy of protection and balance. Just as with the citrine crystal, it is important to choose a natural smoky quartz (not a heat treated one). More about Smoky Quartz
Next: Ammonite
Compare Prices for Ammonite
Ammonites are considered a powerful feng shui cure! This basically means that ammonites have a very strong energy that can shift the energy of any space, be it home or office, to a much higher / better quality of energy. The ammonite that is best to use for feng shui purposes is actually ammolite, the gem quality part of ammonite, or the opalized fossil. It comes in many beautiful, rich iridescent colours that create excellent energy.
More about Ammonite
Next: Tiger's Eye
Tiger's Eye
Compare Prices for Tiger's Eye
Tigers eye is a very protective stone. It has a powerful, dynamic energy with a watchful quality to it. After all, there is a reason this stone is called tigers eye! Specific colours of your tigers eye stone - from golden yellow to deep reds - will also express, in different degrees, a strengthening and grounding energy. Tigers eye also has a mystical, opalescent quality to it, and the combination of solid black colour stripes with shimmering golds, browns and reds make for a very special stone indeed.
More about Tiger's Eye
Next: Pyrite
Compare Prices for Pyrite Jewelry
The shiny pyrite wakes up any space in a matter of seconds. Highly energizing and freely sharing its optimistic energy, a good quality pyrite is a must for your feng shui collection of crystals and stones. Initially thought to be gold, pyrite is also known by the name of fool's gold. Pyrite mostly comes in clusters, but you can also find pyrite in stunning shapes of cubes and globes.
More about Pyrite
Next: Hematite
Compare Prices for Hematite
The name "hematite" derives it meaning from the greek word for blood. The reason for the origin of hematite's name can be twofold. Even though it is shiny black on the outside, if you break the stone (not an easy thing to do!) you will see that on the inside hematite has a deep blood red colour. Another reason for its name might be related to the high ron content found in hematite (almost 70%).
More about Hematite
Continue Reading: 5 Ways To Use Crystals for Good Feng Shui
Wondering which crystals to bring into your home or office? Or to use in your good feng shui jewelry? Start with our list of 10 most popular crystals and see which ones you like the best. From amethyst to pyrite, each one of those crystals and stones will bring not only beauty, but also specific healing energies.
Let's start with the Clear Quartz Crystal
Clear Quartz
Compare Prices for Clear Quartz Crystals
A clear quartz crystal, especially a crystal that is really clear/transparent and has happy rainbows inside it, is an absolute joy to look at! The clear quartz crystal comes in many forms - from tumbled rocks and small points to impressive big clusters and generators. You can also find many carvings made of clear quartz and of course, clear quartz jewelry. More about Clear Quartz
Next: Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz
Compare Prices for Rose Quartz Crystals
Rose quartz is one of the most popular crystals in healing, jewelry, as well as feng shui. Famous for attracting and keeping love, rose quartz is also used when it comes to healing one's heart from pain and disappointment. You can find all sorts of feng shui adornments made from rose quarts, especially in feng shui for love cures. Rose quartz is inexpensive and easy to find.
More about Rose Quartz
Next: Amethyst
Compare Prices for Amethyst Crystals
Amethyst crystal is unique among all crystals in its popularity, as well as affordability. Mother nature has been generous with the wealth of available amethyst which makes it affordable to choose it for your home, office, garden and even your car! One of the most popular uses of amethyst is in a cluster or tall geode, as well as tumbled rock form. The deeper and more intense is the purple colour of the amethyst, the higher the price.
More about Amethyst
Next: Jade
Compare Prices for Jade Feng Shui Items
Jade seems to be the most popular choice when it comes to various carvings used as feng shui cures. Jade is also much loved in various jewelry pieces - from beads to bracelets and rings. Jade carries a sweet, light and nourishing energy that can feel very healing. It has a soothing purity about it, and it goes about purifying your energy field in a very accepting, loving, wise kind of way.
More about Jade
Next: Citrine
Compare Prices for Citrine Crystals
Citrine contains a solar quality of energy, this is why it is traditionally considered a good healing crystal for the solar plexus/third chakra issues. It can help strengthen self-esteem and a positive, vibrant flow of energy in and around one's body. Citrine is also considered helpful in improving digestion and strengthening one's one's physical endurance. More about Citrine
Next: Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz
Compare Prices for Smoky Quartz
The popularity of the smoky quartz crystal is due not only to its gorgeous look, but also to its affordability and the energy it provides. Grounding in an uplifting kind of way, the smoky quartz also provides a subtle energy of protection and balance. Just as with the citrine crystal, it is important to choose a natural smoky quartz (not a heat treated one). More about Smoky Quartz
Next: Ammonite
Compare Prices for Ammonite
Ammonites are considered a powerful feng shui cure! This basically means that ammonites have a very strong energy that can shift the energy of any space, be it home or office, to a much higher / better quality of energy. The ammonite that is best to use for feng shui purposes is actually ammolite, the gem quality part of ammonite, or the opalized fossil. It comes in many beautiful, rich iridescent colours that create excellent energy.
More about Ammonite
Next: Tiger's Eye
Tiger's Eye
Compare Prices for Tiger's Eye
Tigers eye is a very protective stone. It has a powerful, dynamic energy with a watchful quality to it. After all, there is a reason this stone is called tigers eye! Specific colours of your tigers eye stone - from golden yellow to deep reds - will also express, in different degrees, a strengthening and grounding energy. Tigers eye also has a mystical, opalescent quality to it, and the combination of solid black colour stripes with shimmering golds, browns and reds make for a very special stone indeed.
More about Tiger's Eye
Next: Pyrite
Compare Prices for Pyrite Jewelry
The shiny pyrite wakes up any space in a matter of seconds. Highly energizing and freely sharing its optimistic energy, a good quality pyrite is a must for your feng shui collection of crystals and stones. Initially thought to be gold, pyrite is also known by the name of fool's gold. Pyrite mostly comes in clusters, but you can also find pyrite in stunning shapes of cubes and globes.
More about Pyrite
Next: Hematite
Compare Prices for Hematite
The name "hematite" derives it meaning from the greek word for blood. The reason for the origin of hematite's name can be twofold. Even though it is shiny black on the outside, if you break the stone (not an easy thing to do!) you will see that on the inside hematite has a deep blood red colour. Another reason for its name might be related to the high ron content found in hematite (almost 70%).
More about Hematite
Continue Reading: 5 Ways To Use Crystals for Good Feng Shui