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Linoleum Kitchen Flooring Maintenance

Linoleum is a resilient material, that is made from all natural ingredients, is biodegradable, and has no harmful effect on the air. However those ecologically friendly benefits come at a price, as these floors tends to be less durable and stain resistant than chemically manufactured vinyl and plastic alternatives. However modern manufacturing practices are able to produce linoleum sheets and tiles that are suitable for even the rigors of a modern heavy use kitchen, if properly cleaned and maintained over time.

Linoleum Flooring Room By Room
Linoleum In a Bathroom
Linoleum Kitchen Flooring
Padded Linoleum In Bedrooms

Precautionary Maintenance

Installation: Proper manufacture and installation of the materials is vital to a quality linoleum kitchen flooring installation. You want to make sure that you only purchase from a well known supplier with a good reputation for quality products. During the install it is also important to pay special attention to the edges of the tiles or sheets being placed. Curling is one of the major traditional issues with these floors, so you need to bond the tiles to the subfloor or underlayment properly from the very beginning.

Dehumidifier: In some cases the high humidity found in a kitchen can cause adhesive holds to become loose, which leads to tiles or edges curling. You can reduce the relative moisture in the air through the presence of a dehumidifier, which should help to maintain a level and favorable environment in these culinary spaces.

Rugs: When placed in strategic locations, at entrances, and in front of ovens, sinks, and other heavily used area, rugs can help to reduce the overall strain that a linoleum floor has to deal with.

However avoid any carpeting products that have rubber backing strips as these can leave unsightly skid marks behind. 

Curtains: Linoleum can fade over time when exposed to direct sunlight on a daily basis. Having curtains that can be drawn to reduce these effects may help to prolong the life of your floor.

Furniture legs: While linoleum is resilient and strong it is not indestructible. Furniture legs should be equipped with coasters or padded bottom piece to prevent rips in the surface, or permanent divots into padded underlayment layers. 

Special Note: Unlike vinyl, the colors found in a linoleum tile run dimensionally all the way through the piece. That means that while vinyl will slowly fade in vibrancy and hue over time, linoleum will remain colorfast, and if properly cared for can last for years of use.

Sheet Versus Tile: Linoleum that comes in tile form is relatively easy to install. The drawback is that each piece will have a seem between itself and the other, which is a crevice that liquids can seep down to cause damage to the underlayment. This can be offset to some extent through the use of sealing products. 

Sheet linoleum requires more advanced measuring and cutting techniques, and can result in greater waste during the installation. However there will be fewer resultant seams, which means that the layers beneath the covering will be more protected in wet kitchen environments. 

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Regular Cleaning Of a Linoleum Kitchen Floor

Sweeping: The greatest enemies of linoleum are tiny particles of dirt and grit which can drift into the space and start scratching at its surface. The best way to stop this slow but insidious damage is to thoroughly sweep or vacuum the floor on a regular basis. Mopping with a damp or dry utensil can work as well.

Spills: While linoleum is resistant to water penetration it is not impervious. When spills happen you should wipe them up immediately so that they don’t start to discolor the floor or seep down into lower sublayers.

Mopping Linoleum Kitchen Tiles

Regular Mopping: Fill a bucket with warm water, dip a sponge or cloth mop in the liuqid, wring it out thoroughly, and then gently dampen the floor. Work in sections and allow each area to dry before proceeding. Never allow water to stand in puddles on the surface of the material.

Disinfecting Soap: A gallon of water can be mixed with a tablespoon of mild, vegetable based dish soap and mixed, then mopped onto the floor. The cleanser should then be removed with a clean water mop immediately.

Vinegar: A solution of ½ cup white vinegar to a gallon of water can be mixed and mopped onto the linoleum kitchen floor. It should be mopped clean immediately after using warm clean water.

Note: 2-3 drops of an essential oil of your choosing can be added to any mopping mix to fill the kitchen with a lovely scent.
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