Home & Garden: Common Questions Asked About a Central Heating System

Common Questions Asked About a Central Heating System

Providing heated air to a home during the winter months is one of the biggest concerns of the homeowner. Space heaters and wood heaters are frequently used to do this, but a centralized heating system that spreads the warmth throughout the rooms is the most efficient way of heating all of the rooms

Home & Garden: 5 Easy Ways to Save Money on Your Electric Bill

5 Easy Ways to Save Money on Your Electric Bill

If you're looking for some ways to give your budget some breathing room without sacrificing your quality of living, this article is for you. We'll talk about some fairly simple changes you can make to lower your monthly electric bill.

Home & Garden: Infrared Propane Heater - The Perfect Solution to a Cold, Uncomfortable Room

Infrared Propane Heater - The Perfect Solution to a Cold, Uncomfortable Room

It is not unusual to have an area in your home or office that just seems to stay colder than the rest of the house. In my workplace, the back corner office where I spend most of my time is the hardest to keep warm. So to help me keep a more consistent temperature in my office and the surrounding are

Home & Garden: Understanding Concrete Waterproofing

Understanding Concrete Waterproofing

Concrete waterproofing is accomplished using many different techniques. There are differing ways to apply it, different substances to use and even a type of panel that you can install during building or retrofitting that will waterproof concrete walls. Anyone with solid do-it-yourself experience can

Home & Garden: My Dyson Vacuum Has Gotten Very Loud

My Dyson Vacuum Has Gotten Very Loud

If your Dyson vacuum gets very loud, it's time to address the cause of the noise. Look for blockages first and then get help from Dyson, if necessary. Performing repairs or disassembling a Dyson to the point that you expose internal components yourself may void your warranty, so don't undertake thes

Home & Garden: How to Check the Charge of an AC Unit

How to Check the Charge of an AC Unit

Refrigerant is a chemical used to cool down your home in central air conditioning systems. When you check the "charge" of your AC unit, you're checking to find out how much refrigerant is left. If there is a problem with the unit the refrigerant will likely need to be replaced, which is called "rech

Home & Garden: A Guide to Electrical Transformers

A Guide to Electrical Transformers

Now that you have taken more than a passing interest in becoming a do-it-yourself homeowner, you are playing a more active role in the renovation of your house. However, if the work being done involves electrical transformers, consider hiring an electrician.

Home & Garden: Washing Machines: What To Know

Washing Machines: What To Know

We all know what a washing machine is and what it does. In its simplest form, they were always designed to wash all your laundry including sheets, clothing and towels. As opposed to ultrasonic cleaners and dry cleaning it uses water as the cleaning solution.

Home & Garden: Jenn-Air Gas Cooktops

Jenn-Air Gas Cooktops

Curious about what types of gas cooktops there are on the market? Learn more about Jenn-Air the brand and its line of gas cooktops here.

Home & Garden: Sunbeam Bread Maker Directions

Sunbeam Bread Maker Directions

Bread is an international staple that is prepared in a variety of ways and includes different recipes. Though bread dough is usually baked, it can also be prepared by steaming and frying. The types of bread commercially available are abundant and some include rye, wheat and sour dough. Though bread

Home & Garden: Track Lighting Installation Directions

Track Lighting Installation Directions

Track lighting is an interior lighting style that offers versatility and a range of styles. You can accent a wall feature, direct light to a reading area, add ambiance and save energy with track lighting, and the individual fixtures are available in styles and colors to compliment your home decor. I

Home & Garden: Kitchen Range Styles

Kitchen Range Styles

The range serves as the central cooking station in the kitchen. The style of range you choose depends on its location and the kitchen setup in addition to your personal style preference. The various range styles come in both gas and electric with several options for finishes, which allows you furthe

Home & Garden: Gas Grills For Sale

Gas Grills For Sale

A patient shopper can find feature packed gas grills for sale by methodically window shopping until he finds a good sale price. Basic cast iron gas grills with two multi- positional grids with a small cooking surface can be bought for around $25. The actual list price for such a model is around $40.

Home & Garden: How to Set Malibu Lighting Controls

How to Set Malibu Lighting Controls

Malibu brand lights come in a variety of designs that let you choose what kind of look you want for the lights that illuminate your lawn, deck or other area around your home. To control when the lights go on and off, you need to use a Malibu 8150-9803-01 photo control with the lights. Connect the wi

Home & Garden: Difference Between Kenmore Vacuum Models 311 & 3911

Difference Between Kenmore Vacuum Models 311 & 3911

Both the Kenmore 3911 and the 3110 vacuum cleaners are upright models with a variety of similar features and options. The vacuum cleaners even look very much alike. However, there are some significant differences between the two that potential buyers should consider prior to purchasing either of the

Home & Garden: How to Restring a Rotary Clothesline

How to Restring a Rotary Clothesline

The clothesline that hangs on a rotary clothes dryer is meant to be taut enough to hold up heavy, wet clothing and allow it to dry. Over time, the weight of the clothes begins to stretch out the line and make it sag. At first, tightening the line without replacing it might work. However, eventually,

Home & Garden: How to Use a Flexible Metal Dryer Duct

How to Use a Flexible Metal Dryer Duct

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), overheated clothes dryers caused more than 15,000 fires associated with 20 deaths and 370 injuries in 1998 alone. Lint accumulation in dryer ducts and dryers caused the fires. The CPSC and dryer manufacturers advise against the use of flexi

Home & Garden: Switch Electricity - Three Critical Mistakes to Avoid With Switch Electricity

Switch Electricity - Three Critical Mistakes to Avoid With Switch Electricity

If you are interested in switch electricity you should avoid a few mistakes that could be very costly, and even dangerous. This article tells you of three such critical things you should know about. It also tells you how you can easily educate yourself about practical electricity from a combination

Home & Garden: How to Install a Dishwasher Door

How to Install a Dishwasher Door

Dishwasher doors play an important part in the workings of a dishwasher. Without a door, you'd wind up with a kitchen full of soapy water every time you tried to start up your dishwasher. Because these doors open and can sometimes be in the way of kitchen traffic, dishwasher doors can become damaged